Dr. Sir Sam E. Jonah

 The Chancellor of the University of Cape Coast (UCC), Sir Sam E. Jonah, has called for a national conversation on how to mobilise national talents and resources to address the challenges and scars created by the COVID-19 pandemic.

He said such a dialogue should include key stakeholders, such as organised labour, the political parties, traditional leaders, civil society, and youth groups, to come up with "pretty tough decisions" that will be required to bring the economy back to normalcy.

Vice-Chancellor and IGP signing the MoU

The University of Cape Coast and the Ghana Police Service have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to run a Postgraduate Diploma programme in Security Studies.

The programme which would be hosted at the Police Academy in Accra aims at upgrading the knowledge of personnel of the service in security issues, enhance their performance and improve service delivery. 

First Year Students going through orientation

The Office of the Dean of Students has organised a three-day orientation programme for fresh students admitted to the University for the 2020/2021 academic year.

COVID-19 Protocols

In order to ensure compliance with COVID-19 protocols, this year’s programme was decentralised and organised on College basis. The programme was held from Monday January 11 to 13, 2021.

Fresh students from the various colleges were taken through causes and prevention of the pandemic by staff from the Directorate of University Health Services (DUHS).

NSBT Administration Block

Management of the University of Cape Coast has paid a familiarisation visit to Nduom School of Business and Technology (NSBT) to assess its readiness to host some newly-admitted students of the University.

The team led by the Vice-Chancellor inspected facilities like lecture halls, main administration, library, auditorium, cafeteria, hostel, infirmary, ICT Services among others.

Presentation of the signed MoU

The University Enterprises Limited (UCCEL) and GOIL Ghana Limited have renewed their relationship with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

The new MoU which is an update of an earlier one the University signed with GOIL will give UCCEL full control of the operations of the GOIL Fuel Station on the University’s land. 
