It is annouced for the information of students of the University of Cape Coast that fees for the 2023/2024 academic year have been published in their portal.

Students are therefore urged to visit their portals to check the fees and take steps to make payment at the designated banks.

Details of re-opeining arragemnents will be published in due course for the information of students and the general public.

The Department of Mathematics and ICT Education, UCC is calling for applications for the mobility component of the ongoing GOT project. The GOT project is a collaboration between the University of Cape Coast, University of Education, Winneba, Tallinn University, and Tampere University. The project aims at shifting lesson delivery towards data-driven and evidence-based methods to provide Digital Education at the University of Cape Coast


Aim(s) and or Objective(s) of the GOT Project

The aims of the collaboration are to:
