A tape cutting ceremony has been held to officially inaugurate the School of Nursing and Midwifery and the School of Allied Health Sciences under the auspices of the College of Health and Allied Sciences.

A tape cutting ceremony has been held to officially inaugurate the School of Nursing and Midwifery and the School of Allied Health Sciences under the auspices of the College of Health and Allied Sciences.
The University of Cape Coast has signed two separate Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Entrepreneurship Training Institute (ETI) and the Academic City College (ACC) at a memorable ceremony on campus.
On the 2nd and 3rd of November 2015, twelve IEPA M.Phil. students having completed their thesis, successful defended their work to a Viva voce panel of assessors.
The students were David Wilson Amponsah, Michael Arku-Asare ,Jerry Yao Atakpa, Eric Kafui Bansah, Gideon Appiah-Adjei, Usman Baidoo, Agyeman Boafo, Alhassan Yao Bukari, Monica Nkkrumah,Damilola S-Deen Jimah, Daishonin Baah-Koranteng,Sampson Amponsah
An Educational exhibition dubbed “The British Council Education UK Science and MBA Fair” has taken place at the conference room of the College of Distance Education (CoDE), University of Cape Coast.
Speakers at the maiden Advancement Lecture Series have underscored the need for government to adequately resource statutory institutions and agencies mandated by the constitution to effectively fight corruption in the Country.
They expressed worry that since independence, various governments have instituted measures to fight the canker but have not been able to strengthen institutions to perform their role expeditiously.
The University of Cape Coast through the College of Distance education (CoDE) has presented a cheque for GH ¢60, 000 to support the treatment of Christiana Yelsana, a student of the University who is currently suffering a chronic end stage kidney disease.
The University of Cape Coast in collaboration with the University of Nairobi, Kenya and the Hochshule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Germany (UCC-UoN-BRSU) has held the third joint international conference on the theme “Platform for Promoting Sustainable Enterprise Development in Africa: The Role of Industry-Academic Partnership.”
British Council Ghana is inviting you to its maiden Education UK Science and MBA Tour being organised at the University of Cape Coast.
This exhibition is opened to all students, lecturers and staff of the various universities as well as the interested general public.
The University of Cape Coast (UCC) in collaboration with the Distance Education Students Association of Ghana (DESAG), is to procure tablet computers for all distance education students, to assist them to launch a new era of learning with Information Communication Technology (ICT), as well as facilitate academic work.