The Ministry of Health (MoH) has presented ultra modern multi-purpose microscope to the Department of Medical Laboratory Science.
The Ministry, through the Ghana Health Services and the National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP), presented the equipment to the Department to train students in malaria diagnosis.
The Head of the Department of Human Resource Management at the University of Cape Coast (UCC), Prof. Yaw Oppong, has charged distance education students  to pursue soft skills to prepare them adequately for the job market.
According to him, academic qualification was important, but he was quick to add that the acquisition of soft skills would help increase their chances of employment ahead of their colleagues.

The Vice-Chancellor,Prof. Johnson Nyarko Boampong, has showered encomium on students of the University of Cape Coast (UCC) for acquitting themselves admirably on campus devoid of agitations.

According to him, the exemplary behaviour by the students lent credence to the feat chalked up by the university as the topmost ranked in Ghana and West Africa.

The 1979/82 Year Group of the University Primary School has made a historic visit to interact with management, teachers and learners of the School.

The home coming event afforded the Year Group the chance to join the learners who were clad in their neatly pressed uniforms at the morning parade to march with precision and pride, amidst patriotic songs.

The Directorate of Research, Innovation and Consultancy (DRIC) has held Research Excellence for staff and students of the University at the School of Graduate Studies Auditorium.

The Management of the  College of Distance Education (CoDE) of the University of Cape Coast (UCC) and the Distance Education Students Association (DESAG) have made financial support to the Students’ Financial Support Office (STuFSO) to cushion brilliant but needy students to attain their academic goals at UCC.
The College Management and the DESAG-UCC presented  cheques for GH¢60,240.00 and  GH¢120,000.00 respectively as part of their annual contributions to UCC  Scholarship Scheme administered by STuFSO.
