1. To vigorously promote research, teaching and outreach that will position the University as a centre of excellence.
  2. To develop vigorous fund–raising drive by pursuing consultancy, internally Generated fund and enforcing fiscal discipline.
  3. To aggressively develop linkages with local and foreign institutions and partnership with industry.
  4. To create conducive working environment which recognises equal opportunities for faculties, staff and students.
  5. To improve capacity and institutional governance structure.
  6. To vigorously pursue distance education, develop new and relevant programmes and periodically review the existing ones.
  7. To provide integrated and modern information and communication technology facilities.
  8. To attract and retain high calibre academic and administrative staff.
  9. To create an organisational culture that enhances discipline and commitment.
  10. To improve upon physical infrastructure and support service to enhance teaching, learning and research.

In line with the above, the mandate, vision, mission and objectives of the Consultancy Unit are stipulated as follows: