Our series of Bridging Innovation and Learning in TVET conferences continues 15 and 16 June 2021 in our virtual venue. Join us for an exchange of innovative ideas and experiences among TVET stakeholders to enhance peer learning!
The plenary and breakout sessions take place from 10:00 to 15:00 CEST (08:30 to 13:00 GMT) with plenty of opportunities for networking and interaction among participants. Recordings of each session and other materials will remain available in the online platform following the conference.
oming six weeks after the bridging conference involving stakeholders from the Asia-Pacific and European regions, Bridging Africa and Europe: New Qualifications and Competencies in TVET is organized by the BILT project and co-hosted by University of Cape Coast, Ghana. Created as a platform to explore the challenges and practical solutions in the area of new qualifications and competencies related to digitalization, entrepreneurship, greening and migration in TVET, the conference encourages dialogue about the relevance, innovativeness, and applicability of the presented approaches to different contexts.TVET stakeholders from Africa and Europe will present and discuss successful practices around the identification of new qualifications and competencies, their integration into curricula and training regulations, and their implementation in teaching and training. Participants will also have the chance to examine the preliminary results of a three-volume publication on the processes of identification, integration and implementation at different systemic levels.The Bridging Africa and Europe conference is one of several aspects of the BILT project that contribute to the following goals:Improved knowledge:
- Innovation and Learning Practices on new qualifications and competencies identified – as its own independent BILT theme, or in relation to digitalization, greening, entrepreneurship and migration.
- Challenges and solutions related to the identification, integration and implementation of new qualifications and competencies in TVET specific to Africa are addressed.
Stronger UNEVOC Network:
- Increased exchange among TVET stakeholders from Africa and Europe is fostered.
Engagement with BILT:
- Stakeholders are aware of engagement opportunities with the BILT project in 2021
For all information about the conference, please visit: https://bit.ly/3g3yVu1
Please register by visiting: https://bit.ly/2RGp97S
DRAFT AGENDA: https://bit.ly/3itx2Ze