Tacoma Educational Foundation Pays School Fees of UCC Final Year Student

A non-governmental organisation, Tacoma Educational Foundation, has supported a final year student of University of Cape Coast (UCC) to defray fees he owed the University.

The student, Francis Owusu Mensah, who is reading Forensic Sciences, was required to settle the fees as a precondition to proceed with his academics.

Presenting the cheque to Francis, the Chief Executive of the Foundation, Dr. Benjamin Aboagye, indicated that the gesture was to support the beneficiary to continue his education.

“Francis was on the verge of dropping out of the programme as a result of the dire financial situation of his family” he said.

Dr. Aboagye, who is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Forensic Sciences, stated that his Foundation got wind of the plight of Francis and was touched to assist him realise his dreams through education.

In that vein, the Senior Lecturer indicated that he raised funds through his Foundation on social media, attracting benevolent social media users to support the worthy cause.

According to him, he was able to raise a substantial amount of money to settle the fees to enable him register for the second semester.

Dr. Aboagye expressed gratitude to the kind-hearted individuals who supported the cause for their timely intervention and appealed to other public-spirited organisations and individuals to support the Foundation to extend similar help to students from underprivileged homes and communities.

Receiving the cheque, an emotional Francis Mensah thanked the Foundation for the assistance which came in so timely to enable him register for his second semester courses.

Source: Documentation and Information Section-UCC