The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Education (FoHSSE) in collaboration with the Directorate of Research, Innovation and Consultancy (DRIC) has organized a two-day training workshop for its faculty members.
The training was on “Data Modelling using Partial least Squares Structural Equation Modelling”.
Dr. Brandford Bervell, Deputy Director, DRIC who was the key resource person, with his wealth of knowledge and experience on the subject, was able to bring clarity and understanding to all challenging questions posed by participants.
The training programme aimed at enhancing the research capacity as well as improving the ability of lecturers and graduate students of the Faculty to enable them adapt to the 21st century research skills needed to promote publishing articles in high impact journals.
Deputy Director of DRIC-UCC, Dr. Brandford Bervell speaking at the workshop
The training offered an opportunity for participants to gain in-depth knowledge and understanding in topics such as Gap Analysis Strategies for Novel Research and Publication; Conceptual Model Development: Strategies and a Practical Approach; What, Why and How? Answers to the Scopus Level Publication and Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling: A Practical Approach Using Smart-PLS version 4.
The workshop was an initiative of Rev. Prof. Kankam Boadu, Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Education, with the sole objective to lift academic research to a higher level at the Faculty.
Welcoming the resource person and participants, the Dean indicated the importance of such workshop trainings at a period where the University is poised to increase its Scopus publication output as well as quality of research. This was reiterated by the Vice-Dean of the Faculty, Alhaji Prof. Mumuni Baba Yidana.
The two-day training workshop was deemed highly productive by both lecturers and some graduate students present.
Both the Dean and Vice-Dean of FoHSSE were very much appreciative of DRIC for the training workshop, and emphasized that the programme had set the remarkable pace for additional training workshops to be organized at the Faculty.
Source: DRIC-UCC/Documentation and Information Section-UCC