Sociology and Anthropology students visit Nzulezu


Hordes of students of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology of University of Cape Coast have embarked on an educational tour to Nzulezu as part of their practical lessons.


Nzulezu, meaning "surface of water," is a village in the Nzema area in the Western Region, built entirely on stilts in a lagoon.


Clad in their lifejackets, the students had a canoe ride to the wide expanse of Amansuri Lake. 


The tour was part of the week celebration of the Sociology and Anthropology Students' Association (SOASA).


Mr. Emmanuel Osei, the tour guide, explained that the main activity of the people of Nzulezu was agriculture, while fishing played a secondary role. 


"The lake is however perceived by the local population to protect them against certain risks such as fire," he pointed out.


The tour guide said the community had its own school, church, and clinic, and residents relied on the lake for transportation, food, and water.


The President of SOASA, Miss. Glory Jael Ansah, said the study tour was part of the contribution of SOASA to the ‘Experience Ghana, Share Ghana’ campaign being championed by the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) to boost domestic tourism.


He noted that the expectations of SOASA members for the visit had been “more than met”, adding that they had learnt a lot about the culture, language and many other new things from the people of Nzulezu.


Source: Documentation and Information Section - UCC