
UCC to benefit from Stellenbosch Institute of Advanced Study Fellowship Programme

The University of Cape Coast (UCC) and Stellenbosch Institute of Advanced Study (STIAS) in South Africa, have agreed in principle to collaborate to strengthen Africa's research and innovation ecosystem.

This came to light when a five-member delegation from STIAS paid a courtesy call to the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cape Coast, Prof. Johnson Nyarko Boampong.

Welcoming the delegation, Prof. Boampong said UCC had entered into strategic partnership with reputable institutions across the globe. He reechoed the University’s ranking as the number one university in West Africa, Ghana and seventh in Africa according to Times Higher Education World University Ranking.

The Vice-Chancellor was happy to note that three members of UCC faculty had already benefitted from STIAS’ fellowship programme.

The Vice-Chancellor of UCC, Prof. Johnson Nyarko Boampong welcoming the delegation

“We are excited that Prof. Husein Inusah, Dr. Eric Debrah-Otchere and Dr. Isaac Mwinlaaru from our Faculty of Arts have benefitted from STIAS Fellowship programme. We look forward to the extension of the fellowship programme to all other disciplines in the University” he appealed.

Prof. Boampong said it would be prudent for UCC and STIAS to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to create avenues for collaborative research and exchange of expertise.

For his part, the Director of STIAS, Prof.  Edward Kirumira, noted that the visit was to interact with the Vice-Chancellor and management of UCC.

According to Prof. Kirumira, STIAS was established in 1999 to provide a ‘creative space for the mind’, and to advance cross-disciplinary research at the highest level.

Prof. Kirumira said STIAS offered support to leading researchers and intellectuals from across the world to come out with innovative and sustainable strategies to address the challenges facing the world, with a focus on Africa.

“STIAS provides various fellowships and scholarships to researchers mostly in the humanities across the world in all language categories.  We provide ideal conditions for innovative and original thinking to thrive”, he explained.

Highlighting on the fellowships, Prof. Kirumira said there were opportunities for individuals, groups and retired heads of universities with full funding.

Director of STIAS, Prof.  Edward Kirumira, speaking at the meeting


He urged UCC faculty to apply for the fellowship programmes to enrich their portfolio and also share expertise with scholars across the world to advance the development of Africa.

 “At the institutional level, STIAS has funding to support universities to organise conferences, workshops, seminars, lectures etc. which I encourage UCC to take advantage of this valuable offer”, he noted

He assured the Vice-Chancellor of STIAS readiness to collaborate with UCC to engage in cutting-edge research in diverse fields as well as providing sustainable solutions to Africa and global challenges confronting the continent.

Other members of the STIAS delegation were Programme Manager, Dr. Christoff Pauw; Office Manager and Personal Assistant to STIAS Director, Mrs. Magda Van Niekerk; Programme Coordinator, Mrs. Nel-Mari Loock and General Logistics Administration, Mrs. Humphreys.

The STIAS delegation with UCC officials at the meeting

The officials from UCC at the meeting were; the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Rosemond Boohene, Ag. Registrar, Mr. Ebenezer Aggrey; Provost, College of Humanities and Legal Studies, Prof. Kwame Osei Kwarteng; Dean, Office of International Relations, Prof. Samuel Bert Boadi-Kusi; Dean, Faculty of Arts, Prof. Kwabena Sarfo Sarfo-Kantankah.

Others were; Director, Directorate of Research Innovation and Consultancy, Prof. David Doku; Director, Directorate of Academic Planning and Quality Assurance, Prof. Daniel Agyapong and Head, Department of French, Prof. Mawuloe K Kodah, Senior Assistant Registrar, OIR, Mrs. Juliana Audria Dankwa.

Source: Documentation and Information Section-UCC