Vision statement:
The Department of Mathematics aspires to the highest standards of excellence in teaching and service. The department would be a source for the promotion of problem-solving, analytical thinking and utilizing technology. It will produce high-quality mathematics graduates well prepared for the job market or for post-graduate studies. The department will build upon its strengths for development of graduate programmes in areas of need for the country.
Mission statement:
The mission of the Department of Mathematics is to play a pivotal role in the training of graduates of the School of Physical Sciences, irrespective of area of specialisation; to serve as a centre of excellence in research in pure mathematics and applied mathematics; and to provide specialised training and services to industry, commerce and business.
Our department has been an integral part of the university since its establishment in 1962. The original mandate of the department was for the training of teachers for the secondary schools and teacher training colleges in the country. However, over the years this has changed as the department now trains students for all the sectors of the Ghanaian economy. Our graduates can also be found in other universities abroad pursuing further studies or working with both governmental and non-governmental institutions.
We currently have four programmes running, namely:
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics and Statistics)
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics with Business)
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics with Economics)
MSc. and Mphil (Mathematics) both regular and sandwich
PhD (Mathematics).
Some of the pioneer lecturers in the department were Prof. Rao from India, Miss Rutherford from Canada, Prof. Brian Edgar from U.K, and the following Professors from Ghana, namely, Prof. V. C. Dadson, Prof. Ludtherodt, Prof. D. N. Offei and Prof. R. A. Ampomah.
Prof. D. N. Offei, Prof. V. C. Dadson, Prof. R. A. Ampomah, Prof. B. K. Gordor, and Prof. Natalia Mensah who are all retired now, headed the department during their days with the department.
We currently have staff strength of 12 made up of 2 retired professors, myself, 3 senior lecturers, 3 lecturers, one assistant lecturer, and 2 teaching associate with one on study leave in the USA.
Core Values:
The goals of the department shall be as follows:
To attract mathematically able students and to provide for them academically coherent undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, with courses that range from the fundamental to the advanced, reflecting the scholarship and research interests of staff.
To provide degree programmes in mathematics which are intellectually challenging and rigorous, and whose graduates are well-placed to pursue postgraduate studies or to enter employment.
To offer combined degree programmes, given with other UCC departments, which are designed for students seeking expertise in more than one discipline or additional skills such as Economics, Business and Statistics.
The objectives of the department shall be as follows:
To educate pure mathematicians and applied mathematicians who can advance the frontier of knowledge by creating new concepts in mathematics and applied mathematics;
To train pure mathematicians and applied mathematicians who can apply their skills in solving problems in science, industry, commerce and business;
To offer adequate content training for mathematics teachers for secondary and tertiary institutions.
To produce graduates who can contribute to the country's developmental needs in research institutions and industry.
Department of Mathematics