We Need to Share Resources- Prof. Joseph Ghartey Ampiah

The Vice-Chancellor, Joseph Ghartey Ampiah, has underscored the need for departments, faculties, schools and colleges to share resources together in the University.

He bemoaned the fact that some colleges do not give their facility with others  in the University for academic activities, adding that "we need to start breaking this barrier because it will not help us."

The Vice-Chancellor said that if a department, faculty, school or college had a facility within the University, it was because the University had allowed that facility to be built in the University, hence " others can come and share in that responsibility of enjoying that facility."

Prof Ampiah made the remarks when he received a delegation from the College of Education led by its Provost, Prof. Eric Magnus Wilmot, at his office. The Vice-Chancellor indicated that he was aware of the challenges the College of Education was facing and would do his best to address it during his term of office. Prof. Ampiah stressed that his doors were open to all the colleges and would ensure a level playing field for all the colleges in the University.

For his part, the Provost of the College of Education, Prof. Eric Magnus Wilmont, extended thanks to the Vice-Chancellor for the warm hospitality accorded him and his accompanying entourage, which included Deans and Vice-Deans of the College. He assured Prof. Ampiah of the College's unalloyed support for him during his 4-year mandate.

The Provost seized the opportunity to brief the Vice-Chancellor on burning issues in the College. He assured the Vice-Chancellor that research would be the cornerstone of the College.