Vision statement: 
To be a premier department for knowledge production and dissemination in the field of peace, security, justice and development.
Mission statement: 
 To offer quality research, teaching and capacity training in the specialized field of peace, security, justice and development to students and other stakeholders, as well as foster peace and security through research, teaching and other outreach activities in Ghana and across Africa.
Department of Peace Studies (DPS), is a research and academic department at the School for Development Studies, University of Cape Coast. Our main focus is teaching and researching in the specialized areas of peace, security, justice and development. As a department, we place emphasis on the intricate relationship between peace and development by educating students and engaging with policymakers to create the context for a peaceful and just society that facilitates development. The Department for Peace Studies is considered as one of the best centers of peace studies in West Africa based on its current teaching curriculum. Many institutions and organizations in the field of peace regularly seek the inputs of the DPS. For instance, the National Peace Council recognizes the peace studies programme as significant and research fellows are regularly featured in its outreach activities. Maintaining peace and security can never be overemphasized and this department is considered important in training the human resources needed by the nation in this direction. DPS through the regular and sandwich programs produces skilled professionals in conflict prevention, management, resolution, transformation and peacebuilding. We currently offer regular MPhil and Sandwich MA programmes in Peace and Development Studies. If you are looking for a Master's or research degree in a Peace and Development Studies, then the Department of Peace Studies provides you with a stimulating and innovative environment to pursue your academic goals. Apply or contact us today.
Core Values: 
Not Published
Department of Peace Studies