This course is designed to give an introduction to complex numbers and matrix algebra, which are very important in science and technology, as well as mathematics. The topics to be covered are complex numbers and algebra of complex numbers. Argand diagram, modulus-argument form of a complex number. Trigonometric and exponential forms of a complex number. De Moivre’s theorem, roots of unity, roots of a general complex number, nth roots of a complex number. Complex conjugate roots of a polynomial equation with real coefficients. Geometrical applications, loci in the complex plane. Transformation from the z-plane to the w-plane. Matrices and algebra of matrices and determinants, Operations on matrices up to . inverse of a matrix and its applications in solving systems of equation. Gauss-Jordan method of solving systems of equations. Determinants and their use in solving systems of linear equations. Linear transformations and matrix representation of linear transformations.
Course Code:
MAT 206
No. of Credits:
Level 200
Course Semester:
Second Semester
MAT 101
Select Programme(s):