Technological skill development is most effective when embedded in content instruction rather than mastering specific Information Communication Technology (ICT) tools in a vacuum. This course is a shift of ICT teacher professional development towards science content-centric approaches which advocates teaching teachers how to teach with ICT tools to meet content learning goals rather than teaching teachers how to use the tool. The course will provide trainees’ opportunities to develop their Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) and skills to design, enact and evaluate ICT-based lessons using a variety of ICT tools that support different teaching and learning strategies. Topics to be covered include: The use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) such as internet resources, Java applets, Multimedia and spreadsheet; Online Educational Platforms (e.g. MOOC); Professional Learning Networks (PLN); TPACK as a framework for effective ICT integration; ICT application in didactic science teaching approaches and inquiry -based constructivist teaching approaches; and the use of Web quest.
Course Code:
No. of Credits:
Level 800
Course Semester:
First Semester
Select Programme(s):
Science Education
Science Education