Commutative, associative and distributive properties of union and intersection of sets; De Morgan’s laws; Cartesian product of sets; the real number system; natural numbers, integers, rational and irrational numbers; properties of addition and multiplication on the set of real numbers; relation of order in the system of real numbers; linear, quadratic and other polynomial functions, rational algebraic functions, absolute value functions, functions containing radicals and their graphical representation; inequalities in one and two variables real; application to liner programming; indices and logarithms, their laws and applications; binomial theorem for integral and rational indices and their application; linear and exponential series; operations on matrices up to 3 x 3; inverse of a matrix; determinants and their use in solving systems of linear equations.
Course Code:
MAT 101
No. of Credits:
Level 100
Course Semester:
First Semester
Select Programme(s):
Guidance and Counselling