​​​​​​The course exposes students to issues of the coastal zone, tools for ICZM and institutional and policy aspects of the coastal zone.  The issues address biodiversity loss including dwindling fisheries; pollution; erosion; sanitation and health; effects of climate change; poverty and conflict of interests.  The ICZM tools enable the students to acquire skills in information technology, data collection and analysis, survey methods, environmental quality monitoring (soil, water and air), EIA,SIA, valuation methods of resources, physical planning and management skills (communication, presentation, time management, negotiation conflict resolution).  The institutional and policy aspects examine district, national and inter-sectoral involvement.  The roles of traditional, institutional, social and cultural issues are discussed.  Inter-governmental and regional co-operation are examined as well as financial and legal issues.  Non-governmental and community initiatives are also discussed.

Course Code: 
FAS 416
No. of Credits: 
Level 400
Course Semester: 
Second Semester
Select Programme(s): 
Fisheries and Aquatic Science