15th Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Delivering on Africa’s Universities Agenda for Higher Agricultural Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (AHESTI): What will it take?
This AGM is anticipated will be attended by about 400 delegates including Ministers of Agriculture and Education and their respective Permanent Secretaries, Vice Chancellors, Principals and Deans, partners and Heads of development institutions, private sector leaders, farmers and farmer representatives, emerging and early career researchers and young entrepreneurs from especially Ghana and other West African countries. Universities, private sector actors and young entrepreneurs shall have the opportunity to showcase their innovations, products and services, network and broker partnerships with one another
About the RUFORUM AGM 2019
After 15 years of RUFORUM’s existence, 15th AGM is coming to Ghana, which has been one of strong member countries in West Africa and is therefore a special convening for RUFORUM to showcase the renewed commitment to strengthening higher agricultural education in Africa. The 2019 AGM will also provide opportunity for mobilizing wider participation of West African Universities in several opportunities of the network including the endorsement of the RUFORUM Charter and the World Bank’s initiative on Strengthening Higher Agricultural Education in Africa (SHAEA) in which Ghana is participating. This year’s AGM is special in two ways: First of all, it is the first time since RUFORUM’s creation to be hosted in West Africa following the strategic geographical expansion in 2014 to collaborate with Universities and partners in Benin, Ghana, Mali, Nigeria, and Senegal. This meeting therefore presents an opportunity for RUFORUM network to showcase its added value to Higher Education landscape in West Africa and bring on board key strategic partners in West Africa. Secondly, the AGM coincides with RUFORUM’s 15th anniversary as a network, a year after a year after the ratification of the RUFORUM Vision 2030 strategy and its Operational Plan 2018-2022. During the AGM meetings, RUFORUM shall be consolidating achievements, reflecting and learning from implementing the programmes for the past 15 years and forge/ envision way forward with the new Vision 2030.
Rationale and Objectives of the 15th RUFORUM AGM
The AGM is one of the key activities under Knowledge Hub programmatic pillar of the RUFORUM Vision 2030 strategy, which is also meant to be a vehicle for facilitating universities, stakeholders and key partners to synthesize emerging lessons and best practices, and to document and disseminate information, knowledge and innovations. The theme for this 15th AGM is “Delivering on Africa’s Universities Agenda for Higher Agricultural Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (AHESTI): What will it take?”. As such, the 15th AGM will highlight and deliberate on key developments within the network whilst exploring what it takes to deliver on the transformation of Africa through strengthening Agricultural Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation. The discussion will focus on, but not limited to, the following specific objectives:
- Examine key issues in regards to Africa’s Universities Agenda for AHESTI
- Review and approve minutes of the 14th RUFORUM Annual General Meeting, held on 22 October 2018, at the University of Nairobi towers, Chandaria auditorium.
- Receive and approve reports for the Activity Year July 2018 – June 2019 and Annual Work plan and Budget for the Activity Year July 2019 – June 2020
- Provide a platform for networking opportunities and facilitate exchange of experiences, lessons and good practices with particular interest for the West African universities (an exhibition display by all West African universities)- making it a West African affairs
- Provide opportunity for scientists, researchers and students to present their work
- Advocate for policy engagement/ renewing/strengthening partnerships
- Recognize the contributions of the Government of Ghana to RUFORUM
Participation, Venue, Date and Agenda
The AGM will consist of pre-AGM events organized prior to the AGM and held November/December 2019 (See attached draft programme for the overall AGM and Pre-AGM meetings at a glance). The pre-AGM meetings will include; social media training for students from RUFORUM member universities in Ghana; scientific data management training for PhD students and emerging Scientists; Proposal development, scientific writing and presentation training for Master students; skills enhancement training for Post-Doctoral Fellows and emerging Scientists; symposium for Forum for Women Vice Chancellors in Africa; entrepreneurship training and market place for Principals and Deans; and, training for Sentinel Students
Young Innovators and Entrepreneurs from West Africa will be recognized as part of promoting the contribution of youth to economic growth and development of Africa and the need to provide youth with a platform to demonstrate their potential. Further, three outstanding educationists will be recognized for their long-term service to Africa in Education, Science, Technology, Innovation and Leadership; and, Government of Ghana for immense contribution to Pan-Africanism and support to higher education development in Africa.
Approximately 400 delegates are expected to attend the 15th AGM including Ministers of Agriculture and Education and their respective Permanent Secretaries, Vice-Chancellors/Presidents/Rectors, Principals and Deans (from both full member universities and associate member universities), Heads of development institutions, private sector leaders, farmers and farmer representatives, emerging and early career researchers and young entrepreneurs from especially Ghana and other West African countries, and other key invited stakeholders. Universities, private sector actors and young entrepreneurs shall have the opportunity to showcase their innovations, products and services, network and broker partnerships with one another. The Secretariat will make arrangements and ensure that the respective Governance Organs meet to develop reference documents to feed into the AGM Agenda. The venue for the 15th AGM will be University of Cape Coast in Ghana.
Event Timeline Summary
Programme | Date | Venue |
OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE 15TH RUFORUM ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING | Thursday 5th December 2019 | Conference Theatre, University of Cape Coast, Ghana |
RUFORUM Business Meeting | Friday, 6th December, 2019 | Conference Hall, University of Cape Coast, Ghana |
RUFORUM ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2019 | 27th November to 9th December, 2019 | University of Cape Coast |
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Call for Papers
Call for Extended Abstract [Download] Guidelines for Extended Abstract Submission Process of papers Submission Deadline 20th Oct 2019 For Information Read More