The course exposes students to word processing and spreadsheets such as Excel, and SPSS for statistical analyses. The topics are: Hardware components; input output devices, Software: operating system; utility packages; application software; Maintenance Procedures; Word Processing essentials; Mail Merge, PowerPoint, New Document Templates. Internet Essentials and Research; SPSS – Definition of Variables, Data Transformation: Coding. and Recoding; Data Inputting; SPSS – Inferential Statistics and Interpretation of results; Harvard Graphics; Excel – Excel Basics: data entry, editing, definition of variables; Sorting; Filtering; Subtotals; Excel – Numerical Data: Descriptive Statistics; Graphs; Correlation; Regression; Percentiles and Ranks; Z-scores; Excel – Inferential Statistics: tests of hypothesis (t-test, f-test, Anova etc); Chi-Square Analysis; Excel – Categorical Data: Regression; Pivot Table and Chart Report; Excel – Logical Functions.
Course Code:
HRD 810
No. of Credits:
Level 800
Course Semester:
Second Semester
Select Programme(s):
Human Resources Development