
To assist students to analyse economic principles as applied to the use of land, land markets and land values, especially in relation to development, investment and the regulatory environment. 


The course covers the concept and statutory definition of land ownership and tenure system; economics as applied to land property; and economic factors affecting the land market with emphasis on the determinants of land values, the housing market, and land use policies. The course will also address issues and concepts relating to ecology and resources as well as their utilization and management and discuss the processes that create dynamics in ecological systems and mechanisms as applied to conservation of the environment and sustainable land resource management. 

Mode of delivery

The course will be delivered through lectures, seminars, group discussion, fieldwork and applied problem solving approach.

Course Code: 
LPA 802S
No. of Credits: 
Level 800
Course Semester: 
First Semester
Select Programme(s): 
Land Policy and Administration