The course introduces students to the basic issues in ethics and their applications to various dimensions of population and health. It involves aspects such as the meaning of life; perceptions and rationale for population issues such as numbers, marriage, childbearing, family formation, socialization; the practices and the relevance of Christianity, Islam and traditional African religion for family living, population and the environment as well as issues of ethics in population and health including the debate on in-vitro fertilization, cloning, euthanasia and abortion. The course will also deal with ethical issues in population and health research.

Objective: The main objective of the course is to introduce students to theoretical and practical aspects of ethics with special emphasis on ethical issues in population and health.

Mode of Delivery:The lecture method will be the main mode of delivery. There will also be student led review and presentation of relevant texts from the reading materials.

Course Code: 
POH 207
No. of Credits: 
Level 200
Course Semester: 
First Semester
Select Programme(s): 
Population and Health