The course focuses on the interface between population, health and development; history and development of population science as a discipline and the perspectives on population and development and thoughts which have shaped population science; Developments in social-political dimensions of health, including the influences of perspectives on aspects of health and human welfare. Other issues which will be addressed are discourse on the interface of population, health and development; role of international bodies in shaping the directions of health (e.g. role of World Health Organization, the Almaty Declaration of 1978, and the health targets in the Sustainable Development Goals); the environment-health-development debates, the epidemiological transition, concept of quality of life, and the implication of climate change for health.
Objectives: By the end of the course, the student will be able to:
- Demonstrate understanding of some the theoretical issues under-pinning the study of population and health;
- Develop analytical skills and
- Apply knowledge gained in the analysis of concepts and issues
Mode of Delivery:The course will be delivered through lectures, individual and group assignments, assigned readings and field trips