The course deals with the historical development and contemporary issues of urbanization in the world generally and sub-Saharan Africa in particular. It includes definitions of urbanization, models and conceptual issues in urbanization such as primate city, rank-size rule, conurbations, morphology of cities, resource utilisation and related human activities such as access to different modes of transportation, education, health, housing, sanitation, arts and cultural heritage, economic, business and job creation activities and healthy urban lifestyles in general.

 Other aspects are measures of urban change and growth and the role of urbanization in national development, urban poverty and inequality, slums, violence and conflict, governance and participation, resilient cities and sustainable urbanization.

ObjectiveThe objectives are to develop the capacity of students to:

  • Analyse issues associated with the process of urbanization
  • Appraise the implications of urbanization on the socio-economic development of urban centres. 

 Mode of Delivery:  This course will be delivered through lectures, seminars and group discussions.

Course Code: 
POH 809S
No. of Credits: 
Level 800
Course Semester: 
First Semester
Select Programme(s): 
Population and Health