This course builds on POH 810 and focuses on: theoretical issues inherent in qualitative research, when to use qualitative techniques and types of qualitative techniques. It will include concepts of validation (e.g. trustworthiness and reflexivity), how to develop research guides and screening forms. It also deals with how to apply theoretical and conceptual frameworks, employ appropriate data collection and analysis techniques (computer-assisted qualitative data analysis) and writing of reports.

 Objective: The objectives of the course are to:

  • Enhance the capacity of students to understand qualitative research processes
  • Strengthen the skills of students to conduct independent qualitative research.

Mode of Delivery: The course will be delivered through lectures, assigned data collection, individual and group presentations.

Course Code: 
POH 904
No. of Credits: 
Level 900
Course Semester: 
Second Semester
Select Programme(s): 
Population and Health