Prior approval shall be sought from the Vice-Chancellor through the Head of Department for official travels outside Ghana.

Subsistence allowance to members of staff who go abroad on official University business shall be paid according to existing per diem rates approved by the University Council.

Guidelines for Conferences outside Ghana

The following issues would be taken into consideration in assessing applications for support to travel for conferences/workshops outside Ghana:

  1. Applicants for travel support should be full-time Senior Members of University of Cape Coast. For the avoidance of doubt, Part-Time Senior Members and Senior Members on Sabbatical Leave from other universities do not qualify

  2. Priority will be given to conference papers that address the respective Faculty Research Agenda as embodied in the University Research Agenda

  3. Applications should be routed through the Head of Department (HOD) to the Dean of the Faculty/School and Provost of College. The Head of Department should specify what the Department (and the applicant, if possible) can contribute. Where necessary, the Dean may request vetting of the paper by the Faculty/School Research Committee. Prior presentation of the paper at a Faculty/School or Department seminar may also be required

  4. Applicants intending to attend conferences/seminars in Ghana and abroad should indicate the following, if the paper is co-authored:

    1. Applicant's contribution in the preparation of the paper to be presented

    2. Applicant's role in the seminar/conference/ workshop that he/she intends to attend. Support would be given to only the lead person going to present the paper or a co-authored agreed upon by all contributors to the paper. Where agreement cannot be reached by the parties, the Dean may decide on who attends the conference based on level of contribution to the paper, seniority, prior travel record, contribution to the Department's IGF or any other criteria approved by the Academic Board

  5. There will be no support for poster presenters, jurors/judges in debates or chairpersons of sessions. However, the Vice-Chancellor may grant such request based on the nature of the conference

  6. Six months after conference/seminars attendance in which support was received from the University, evidence of publication of the paper will be requested by DRIC. At any rate, such evidence must be available before a senior member can apply for the next support

  7. Full support (air-ticket, accommodation, per diem) to attend an international conference can only be received once every two years. Where only part-support (air- ticket) is given, the duration for another application is one year

  8. For conferences, seminars and workshops organised in Ghana, applicants should seek support from the Department and/or Faculty. Central Administration will provide support only in exceptional cases (to be justified)

  9. To qualify for support of any kind, one should have a good track record of participation in general University as well as Faculty/Departmental seminars and conferences. DRIC will maintain a ranking system of staff indicating publications in high impact journals. Active participation in national policy dialogues and technical reports that influence local/national development are additional criteria for the staff ranking

  10. Priority will be given to Senior Members who have made substantial contribution to the University's Internally Generated Fund (IGF) through projects and participation in Sandwich programmes or any other activity that brings in or saves funds for the University

  11. Departments/Faculties /School will maintain a register of support indicating attendance at conferences, workshops, seminars and papers presented

  12. Subject to the availability of funds, the following cost- sharing arrangement will guide all requests for funding:

    1. UCC Central Administration will provide passage- air tickets-to applicants

    2. Conference fee and per diem will be the responsibility of the Department, Faculty/School or College. Per diem covers accommodation charges

    3. Visa fee and local transport as well as publication of paper costs, where applicable, may be borne by the applicants