An employee, his/her spouse and children including registered wards, while resident in Ghana, and provided the number of such and registered wards does not exceeds six (6), who are not older than twenty-six (26) years and are pursuing full time formal education, shall receive without charge:

  1. Medical, dental and optical care from the University's Medical Officer or a Medical Officer to whom an employee or a member of his/her family has been directed in advance by a University Medical Officer provided that the University shall not be responsible for subsistence cost in hospital

  2. An employee of the Universities, his/her spouse and children shall, on submission of genuine identity document, receive without charge, medical, dental and optical treatment at a hospital belonging to any of the Universities

  3. The University shall reimburse in cedis in the total cost of prescribed medical appliance for employees only. For the time being, medical appliance shall be restricted to Spectacles, Hearing Aids, Artificial Limbs, and Dentures

  4. The cost of any travel in Ghana necessary in order to receive such and return to the University shall be borne by the University on the advice of the University Medical Officer

  5. The cost of drugs purchased by an employee on the prescription of a University Medical Officer shall be reimbursed by the University at Government controlled prices.

If a University Board certifies the necessity for treatment outside Ghana, for an employee, spouse or child of an employee, the University shall grant such passages as may be recommended by the Board.

The University may authorise that an employee be reimbursed the costs of medical or dental care taken outside the scope of the conditions contained in this paragraph, if the University is satisfied that these costs ought properly to be met from its funds.

Employee whose duties expose them to health hazards shall be required to undergo without charge periodic medical examination as determined by the University Medical Officer.

Medical Care for Pension/Retired Staff

Free medical treatment shall be given by University Hospital to employees who retire at the age of 55 and above and a spouse who at the time of retirement of the staff was registered with the University, and is still married to the staff. The facility excludes medical appliances.