Research policy

The person or unit designated by the University shall maintain records of the University’s Intellectual Property in an appropriate form and in sufficient detail. It shall monitor the deadlines for the payment obligations related to the maintenance of protected Intellectual Property, and shall, within 14 days, inform the person or unit designated by the University.

The University encourages its Researchers to identify research results with potential commercialisation value and which may enhance the reputation of the University through bringing them to public use and benefit.

The person or unit designated by the University is responsible for the protection and commercialisation of the University’s Intellectual Property. The Inventor(s), however, shall be consulted in each phase of the procedure.

A Researcher/Inventor/Innovator/Creator’s primary commitment of time and intellectual contributions as an employee of the University should be to the education, research and academic programmes of the University.

Employees of the University Engaging in Research in UCC


  1. Postdoctoral fellows shall be allowed to take-up an offer only upon signing an undertaking to abide by the University’s regulations and protect the interest of the University in all endeavours during the postdoctoral training.
  2. Postdoctoral fellowship must be undertaken within five years of obtaining a Ph.D. This implies that the regulation for study leave, if the applicant is so bonded, shall be extended.

It is the responsibility of the Researcher to ensure that prior to commencing any research activity in collaboration with any third party, the terms and conditions of cooperation be set forth in a written agreement (hereinafter referred to as Research Agreement).

  1. Provosts in collaboration with Heads of Department and Deans of Faculty/School shall supervise the administration of postdoctoral activities in their respective colleges.
  2. Heads of Department are to ensure that the research activities to be pursued during the postdoctoral training fit into the overall research agenda of the department.

In order to ensure continuous improvement of the professional attributes of faculty, the University of Cape Coast declares its support for postdoctoral activities and therefore has developed this policy to guide its administration.

The person exercising the authority of employment on behalf of the University shall ensure that the employment contract or other agreement establishing any type of employment relationship between the University and the Researcher/Inventor/Innovator/Creator includes a provision placing the Researcher/Inventor/Innovator/Creator under the scope of the Policy.

Students, including undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral fellows of the University undertaking research shall be bound by this Policy.

This Policy shall apply to all Intellectual Property created on or after the date of approval by the Council of the University of Cape Coast and all IP Rights associated with them.

This Policy shall apply to all Researchers/Inventors/Innovators/Creators who have established legal relationship with the University based on which the Researchers/Inventors/Innovators/Creators are bound by this Policy. Such a legal relationship may arise pursuant to the provision of law, collective agreement or individual agreement.
