Degree Type: 

Doctor of Philosophy


Department of Education and Psychology

Programme Duration: 

3 years (Standard Entry)

Modes of Study: 


About Programme: 

The M.Phil. /Ph.D. programme in Special Education aims at preparing highly qualified    special education experts to become successful and productive professionals in teaching, formulating and implementing policies in special and inclusive education, and engaging in meaningful and relevant teaching and research.

Entry Requirements: 

A successful applicant would be offered a probationary admission as a Postgraduate Research Student [PRS] for the first year. Students may progress to the second year after having satisfied the following conditions:

  1. Completed all courses required at the masters level
  2. Obtained a  CGPA of 2.5 or better 
  3. Taken a course in academic writing and passed 
  4. Successfully defended a final research proposal before a department examining panel

A non- research master’s degree candidate seeking admission to the MPhil Programme must: 

  1. Have obtained a CGPA of 2.5 or better in the masters course work
  2. Submit an official transcript    of academic record 
  3. Submit at least two referee’s report one of which must be from a former lecturer 
  4. Submit a proposal of 2-3 pages on the intended area of study including references
  5. Satisfy any additional requirements prescribed by the colleges/faculties /schools /institutes/departments. This may include relevant work experience and written entrance examination and / or interview.

Goal / Aim / Objectives: 

The objectives of the programme are to:

  1. Develop the competence of the student in policy formulation issues related to special and inclusive education.
  2. Train the student to demonstrate advanced and applied knowledge in emerging conceptual approaches to practices in special and inclusive education.
  3. Equip the student with higher level skills in special and inclusive pedagogies.
  4. Train high calibre professionals to teach in higher institutions of learning.
  5. Enhance the skills of the student in research philosophies and methodologies and to be to conduct basic and applied research in education.

Career Opportunities: 

  1. Ministry of Education and Ghana Education Service 
  2. College of Education (Tutors)
  3. Security Services, NGOs 
  4. Training Units of institutions

Programme Structure

Level 800

First Semester

EPS 852: Research Methods in Education
3 Credit(s)

This course exposes a range of issues and practices in educational inquiry and research. Procedures and methodologies necessary to pursue research problems in meausrement, evaluation and applied statistica are investigated. There is an overview of educational research methods including validity and reliability and validity of data and practical considerations in planning, conducting and disseminating research outcomes and improving research. The course provides students with skills and knowledge needed for qualitative and quantitative inquiry as well as critiques of research.

EPS 812A: Computer Application in Education
1 Credit(s)

The course is to enable students gain computer knowledge to complete their thesis and oral examination. It is also, to equip students with skills in ICT that they may need to teach in their various areas of specialization. The course is intended to equip students with computer literacy to help them improve in the presentation and teaching of Home Economics Education. Data management tools such as MS Excel and MS Access as well as Presentation tool such as Power Point would be explored.

EPS 831: Advanced Psychology of Human Learning and Instruction
3 Credit(s)

The course provides information on historical and theoretical perspectives on learning for practice. The theories have a continuing and direct relevance for classroom teachers. The course aims at exposing students to the challenges in the learning environment and how effective teaching could be enhanced. Topics such as motivation and other approaches to learning would equip students with various ideas, skills and strategies in classroom teaching.

EPS 844: The Use of Test in Counselling
3 Credit(s)

This course exposes students to the nature and characteristics of psychological tests, the selection of good tests for counselling purposes and the administration, scoring and interpretation of psychological tests for counselling purposes.

EPS 851: Educational Statistics
3 Credit(s)

An elementary knowledge of statistics, including the use of SPSS is required for this course. The focus of the course is the application of statistical methods to educational problems. Emphasis is on the normal, t, chi-square and F distribution. Hypothesis testing and one-way analysis of variance will be treated.

SGS 801: Academic Writing
3 Credit(s)

The course is designed to reinforce and further develop the writing skills of students at the postgraduate level. It is centred on the notion that the future success in postgraduate work is dependent to some extent, on the individual student’s ability to demonstrate understanding and insights regarding diverse forms of academic writing. This course will further provide students, nuanced understanding with respect to linguistic/ rhetorical theoretical underpinnings, features of academic writing and the requisite skills regarding argumentation and research centred-writing.

Second Semester

EPS 853: Assessment in Schools
3 Credit(s)

This course examines both theoretical and practical issues in students’ assessment. It discusses the nature and relevance of assessment in the teaching and learning processes and examines extensively the theoretical and practical issues of validity and reliability of assessment results. Principles and guidelines for crafting various teacher-made tests and standardized tests are also discussed.  Professional responsibilities, appropriate ethical behaviour of educators in assessment as well as legal requirements in educational assessments are presented and discussed.

EPS 871: Curriculum and Instructional Programming for Exceptional Children
3 Credit(s)

The course examines the basic education school curriculum in Ghana. Students discuss the curriculum and its appropriateness in the education of children with special needs. Discussion will also focus on the principles of curriculum adaptation, modification and differentiation for children with special needs. Using Applied Behaviour Analysis techniques the students will be engaged to develop a curriculum for children in special and inclusive education.

EPS 872: Assessment in Special Education
3 Credit(s)

In this course, the student will critically examine issues related to special education assessment policies, the selection of appropriate assessment instruments (e.g. the use of formal and informal assessment techniques), the role of the multi-disciplinary team, and parental involvement. More emphasis will be placed on assessment procedures in Ghana. At the end of the course, the student should be able to adopt appropriate assessment procedures that meet the needs of the child. 

EPS 873: Advanced Studies and Methods in Disabilities
3 Credit(s)

This course is designed to equip students with an in-depth knowledge in visual     impairment, intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, hearing impairment, behavioural disorders, communication disorders, and autism. Students will discuss and make critical analyses of the history, definitions types, theories, characteristic and the aetiology. A critical evaluation of case examples will also be focused upon. The students will also have the opportunity to discuss the various educational intervention strategies and methodologies.

EPS 874: Advanced Practicum in Special Education
3 Credit(s)

The practicum helps the student to actualize theory with practice. The student identifies and assesses a child with special educational needs. The student will be able to assess, design and implement an individualized education plan (IEP) for the child. The student will also be expected to work for two semesters with teachers, parents and the community in meeting the needs of the child. 

EPS 875: Mainstreaming Children with Disabilities in Regular Classroom
3 Credit(s)

The course examines the UNESCO (1994) Salamanca proposition for educational system all over the world to develop structures for the education of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in the mainstream or regular school/classrooms. What are the arguments for the proposition? The student is expected to come to terms with the benefits and challenges in accommodating children with SEND in the regular school. Among the main issues to be examined are: the needs of children with SEND, policies and practice for mainstreaming/inclusion, benefits and challenges and methods of accommodation for effective learning in inclusive settings. 

EPS 876: Contemporary Issues in Special Education
3 Credit(s)

The student will be exploring current trends and controversial issues and their relationship to policy, practice and research. There will be discussion on how the field has evolved in the use of assistive technology and current trends in educational practices. At the end of the course, the student should be able to present position statements about the trends and issues related to Special and Inclusive Education derived from current literature. The student will also examine various policies in special and inclusive education. These will include the Western, Asian and African policy contexts. Strategies for policy formulation and implementation will be discussed.

EPS 899: Thesis
3 Credit(s)

The student is assigned supervisors who will guide him/her to identify a research topic to investigate based on the College of Education Studies and the University format on graduate thesis writing. The student reviews related literature, collects and analyses data and presents final report.

Level 900

First Semester

EPS 970: Early Childhood Special Education
3 Credit(s)

The seminar focuses on early childhood development and the theories underlying disabilities. The seminar provides specialised preparation in screening and assessment of young children, early intervention strategies and behaviour management of infants and preschool children. Issues related to early childhood care and policies for infants with special educational needs and disabilities as well as appropriate support to their parents will be discussed. The student will explore various research findings about how infants and young children develop and learn. Studies undertaken in the African environment and their implications for special educators will be examined.      

EPS 971: Ethical and Legal Issues in Special and Inclusive Education
3 Credit(s)

This course is meant to examine international and national legislations, and ethical considerations relating to the field of Special Needs Education.  Students will be introduced to critical analysis of existing policies from selected countries, conventions on the rights of persons with disabilities (PWDs), Disability Acts, code of ethics and standards for special educators.  Emphasis would be put on the development of legal frameworks and sound policies and procedures to ensure an appropriate education for students with special educational needs and disabilities. Issues related to human rights, equality, equity, fairness and inclusive education will be discussed. The course will further examine procedures that protect the rights and responsibilities of persons with disabilities (PWDs) as well as parental involvement and partnerships. Finally, students will be encouraged to undertake some comparative analysis of special and inclusive education policies in Ghana and other countries.

EPS 972: Single Subject Research Methodologies
3 Credit(s)

In this seminar, the student will be expected to demonstrate knowledge and skills in designing and analysing small samples and single subject research methodologies in solving problems in Special Education. The student is expected to provide an overview of historical and philosophical foundations and issues in behavioural assessment. The student further examines underlying principles, strengths and limitations of single subject research designs, and methods of data analysis. At the end of the course, the student should be able to demonstrate an understanding and competence in behavioural measurement, critiquing, summarizing, and presenting information related to single subject research investigations.    

EPS 973: Formulation and implementation of policy issues in Special and Inclusive Education
3 Credit(s)

This course is aimed at enabling students to examine various policies in special and inclusive education. These will include policies in the international as well as the Ghanaian context. Effective Strategies in special and inclusive education for policy makers will be discussed. At the end of the course, the student should be able to formulate special and inclusive education policies that meet the needs of his or her community.

Second Semester

EPS 917: Advanced Research in Education
3 Credit(s)

The course exposes students to a range of issues, principles and practices in educational    inquiry and research. Procedures and methodologies used in carrying out research in education and psychology as well as applied statistics are investigated. The course entails an in-depth overview of educational research methods, including planning and conducting valid and reliable research and the dissemination of research outcomes. The course provides students with skills and knowledge in quantitative research inquiry. An overview of appropriate statistical tests in quantitative inquiry is covered as well as ethical issues in research.

EPS 921: Administrative Theory and Practice in Special and Inclusive Education
3 Credit(s)

This course discusses the theoretical and management aspects that govern the broad view of Special and Inclusive Education administration. Topics covered in the course include leadership decision making, communication, organizing, planning, and implementation. Also discussed is the use of authority and decentralization and delegation of authority.  The student also does analysis of existing legislations, litigations and administrative rulings related to special and inclusive education. Issues related to equality, equity and fairness will be discussed. The student will further examine procedures that protect the rights and responsibilities of persons with disabilities (PWDs). 

EPS 974: Issues in Assessment in Special Education
3 Credit(s)

In this course, the student will critically examine issues related to special education assessment policies, the selection of appropriate assessment instruments (e.g. the use of formal and informal assessment techniques), the role of the multi-disciplinary team, and parental involvement. More emphasis will be placed on assessment procedures in Ghana. At the end of the course, the student should be able to adopt appropriate assessment procedures that meet the needs of the child.   

EPS 976: Advanced Practicum in Special and Inclusive Education
3 Credit(s)

The practicum helps the student to actualize theory with practice. The student identifies and assesses a child with special educational needs. The student will be able to assess, design and implement an individualized education plan (IEP) for the child. The student will also be expected to work for two semesters with teachers, parents and the community in meeting the needs of the child. 

EPS 977: Applied Behaviour Analysis and Classroom Management
3 Credit(s)

The course helps the student to understand how applied behaviour analysis (ABA) can be used to identify a student’s special educational needs. It will expose the student to the theoretical models that explain conditions under which humans behave. The student further examines multiplicity of interrelated paradigms underpinning classroom management. The course will encourage the student to study and understand individual and group behaviour patterns and structures in order to improve classroom performance and effectiveness. Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to design and apply behaviour management techniques for making positive changes in students’ academic, social and/or affective behaviour.

EPS 978: Professional Seminar in Special and Inclusive Education
3 Credit(s)

The seminar is designed to assist the doctoral student to specialize in two disability areas e.g. Developmental Disabilities (i.e. intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, autism), Sensory Disabilities (i.e. visual and hearing impairments), and Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. The student will examine the nature of inquiry in the selected areas and will be very conversant with emerging issues that will enable him/her develop a line of research to contribute to the knowledge base of the areas of interest. The seminar will further equip the student to develop programme plans, seek for service opportunities, and access funding/grants for research.

EPS 999: Doctoral Thesis
3 Credit(s)

The student is assigned supervisors who will guide him/her to identify a research topic to investigate based on the College of Education Studies and the University format on graduate thesis writing. The student reviews related literature, collects and analyses data and presents final report.