Degree Type: 

Master of Arts


Department of English

Programme Duration: 

2 years (Standard Entry)

Modes of Study: 


About Programme: 

M. A. (Sandwich) (Literature-in-English),programme caters for workers and professionals who may not have the opportunity to obtain a graduate degree as full-time students.

Entry Requirements: 

           M. A. (Sandwich) (Literature-in-English)

  • A good first degree (at least, Second Class Lower Division in English or a related discipliM. A. (Sandwich) (Literature-in-English),ne)

  • Candidate should pass an admission interview

Career Opportunities: 

Not Published

Programme Structure

Level 500

First Semester

ENG 812: Literary Stylistics
3 Credit(s)

This course will focus on four women writers whose biographies have little in common, except for gender: George Eliot, Toni Morrison, Ama Atta Aidoo, and Nadine Gordinmer.

For the most part, their writing will be studied chronologically. But attempts will also be made to analyse the texts as thematic units with overarching “feminist” concerns.

This course will raise such questions as the following: is there a distinctively feminine sensibility manifested in the creative process, in the choice of subject, in style,

in narrative point of view or, in the characterization of hero and heroine? What critical tools are appropriate for the study of women writers and images of the “feminine”?

ENG 813S: Oral Literature in Africa
3 Credit(s)

The objective of this course is to acquaint students with the topography of oral literature (orature) in Africa. Some of the theoretical and genre related problems in

the area will be considered with a view to classifying the essentially literary nature of our subject.

ENG 818: Research Methods
3 Credit(s)

This course will focus on research methods and techniques of general bibliography. Students will be equipped with the resources and basic research

material in English literary studies and the skills and tools in presenting the findings of literary research. The course also explores methodological

issues such as sampling, field research, finding and formulating a research topic, writing a research proposal, annotating references,

developing conceptual and theoretical frameworks. 

ENG 824S: Critical Approaches to Literature
3 Credit(s)

This course is an in-depth study and practice of critical and theoretical approaches to literature. There will be an emphasis on the development of theories from classicism to post-modernism.

Areas of concentration will be drawn from the following: the traditional approach; formalistic approach; mythological and archetypal approaches; structuralism and post-structuralism;

Marxist approach; and feminist approach.

Second Semester

ENG 809S: Literary Perspectives in autobiography
3 Credit(s)

This course is designed to exercise and extend critical skills and to provide some practice in research. The main focus will be on autobiography, since

this relatively ignored literary form: questions of self–representation in literature, the transformation of reality via imagination, the relationship

between literature and history, and nature of literary or poetic art.

ENG 811: Studies in Literature and Society
3 Credit(s)

These two contemporary writers (Ayi Kwei Armah and NgugiWaThiongo) differ mainly in the sources of their influences. Yet, in spite of Ayi Kwei Armah’s absorption

in the ideas of Frantz Fanon, and Ngugi Wa Thiongo’s alignment with a folksy kind of Marxism, both writers explore the actual, spiritual and moral terrain of African

life and history. Both express a concern for African wholeness; both are disturbed by a history of European exploitation in Africa; both have attacked the notion

that economic relationships among people can be meaningfully studied from emotional and moral concerns; and yet both writers seem convinced that humans

cannot produce good work unless they are themselves good. This course will study the complete up-to-date writing of these two writers with a view to assessing

the value of their contribution to modern African thought.

ENG 821S: Modern African Poetry
3 Credit(s)

Not Published

ENG 823S: Contemporary Ghanaian Literature
3 Credit(s)

Not Published

ENG 826S: Semantics and Pragmatics
3 Credit(s)

The course commences with a definition of the goals of a theory of meaning and theories of word meaning. The course is devoted to the concepts

and constituents of word meaning and gradually moves to larger constructions, sentence meaning and utterance meaning (that is, meaning in actual communication).

The remaining part of the course will cover the area of pragmatics. Examples of concepts to be covered in pragmatics include politeness, implicature, speech acts, deixis,

and presupposition.

ENG 831S: The Novel in Africa
3 Credit(s)

This course undertakes a study of the rise in modern African novel from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present.

Appropriate attention will be paid to regional peculiarities, authorial idiosyncrasies, popular fiction, literary characteristics of the African novel,

and the historical and cultural factors impinging on the growth of the novel. Issues of criticism will be examined to discover the relevance of the

African writer to modern society.