Summer Courses 2017 "Comillas Internacional"

StudentsUniversidad Pontificia Comillas is organizing Specialized Summer Courses, as well as the Spanish Language course.

The 2017 Specialized International Courses will be offered in Madrid from May 29 to June 23, 2017.  These courses, taught in Spanish, will be in the fields of Commerce, Business Management, Marketing, Law, Business Strategies, Engineering, and Ethics and Human Rights.  The courses have a duration of four weeks, with a total of 90 class hours.  The deadline for applications is April 30.

The Course in Spanish Language and Culture will be taught from May 22 to June 16, 2017.  It consists of 60 hours (taught over a period of 4 weeks) and is aimed at students with an intermediate level of Spanish.  Applications can be submitted until April 3.

Our web page contains more details and information on these courses. For any questions or for further details, please do not hesitate to contact Milagros Galindo: or Amparo Hernández:

VUM EU Summer School

VUM EU Summer School

VUM EU Summer School is targeted at VUM full-time and incoming exchange students from VUM partner universities around the world. UCC's Master and Undergraduate students are invited to join this Summer School for a period of 2 or 3 or 4 weeks or for its whole duration of 3 months between 1st June and 31st August 2016. It is an opportunity to contribute to the diverse multicultural student community at the VUM EU Summer School. So far there are registered student participants from more than 15 countries around the world including Russia, Kazakhstan, Vietnam, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Lebanon, Jordan, Georgia, Armenia etc. The Summer School will also welcome visiting professors from the USA, France, India, Kazakhstan etc.

During the VUM EU Summer School various courses will be offered to target undergraduate and Master students in the fields of Business, Management, Administration and Tourism. All courses will be delivered exclusively in English. In the attached promotional materials you could find a list of courses to be taught along with the relevant periods of teaching as well as the minimum number of ECTS to be obtained. Please, note the students will be awarded additional 1- 1.5 ECTS for each of the listed courses, provided they prepare and submit an additional course work or assignment.

The following tuition fees apply to the VUM EU Summer School depending on the duration of the student's participation in it:

  • 2 weeks:   - 550 EUR 
  • 3 weeks:   - 675 EUR
  • 4 weeks:   - 800 EUR
  • 6 weeks:   - 1050 EUR
  • 2 months: - 1300 EUR
  • 3 months: - 1550 EUR

Costs for accommodation amount to 6 EUR/night in a double room in our new and modernly equipped student house in VUM campus in Dobrich. Contact us for further details.

SciencesPo Summer School

Science Po

Participate in the SciencesPo Summer School 2016 to study Social sciences and/or French. This is a wonderful opportunity for members of the University community to take advantage of. For all the details, click here...

Hanze Summer School

HH 6 Juni 2013

The Hanze Summer School is open to all students of the University of Cape Coast.

Courses are offered in a number of fields, ranging from business and communication to language training. Focus is on combining academic knowledge with practical application. As a result, you will not only have classes from their dedicated lecturers, but you will also experience the practical side of your study through field trips and business excursions. 

Groningen is a wonderful city in which to spend a few weeks studying. With a population of 200,000, of which 50,000 are students, it is one of the top student cities in the Netherlands. You will feel right at home in our city and are guaranteed to have a stimulating learning experience. Head over to their website to learn more...

Guilford College

Guilford welcomes visiting students for summer school. Visiting students (summer only) are not required to apply for admission to the College and should follow the registration instructions. Head over to their website for more information.