Researchers in Africa have been urged to collaborate and lead research into issues that affect the lives of people on the continent.

This call was made at a roundtable discussion during the closing ceremony of the two-week International PhD Summer School which was hosted by the Institute for Development Studies.

Barclays Bank Ghana Limited has launched its Barclays Tertiary Awards at a ceremony held at the University.   The award seeks to provide financial support in the form of scholarships to deserving students to go through their tertiary education without any financial difficulty. It was for this reason that Barclays after a thorough selection procedure selected 20 students based on their academic performances. They were given a laptop computer each to facilitate their academic work.  

The Executive Director of International Centre for Development and Decent Work (ICDD), University of Kassel, Prof. Dr. Christoph Scherrer, has said his University appreciates its collaboration with the University of Cape Coast.

Prof. Dr. Scherrer made this statement when he paid a courtesy call on the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Prof. George K. T. Oduro, in his office. It would be recalled that UCC and University of Kassel signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in 2016 to run a joint summer PhD School. The 2018 edition of the Summer School is currently underway on campus.

Thirty-Eight postraduate students of the University have received grants to support their research work under the auspices of the Samuel and Emelia Brew-Butler-SGS/GRASAG and UCC Research Grant.

The Grant which is aimed at supporting qualified graduate students to produce quality research and also enable them complete their work on time, received a total of 62 applications out of which 38 were successful after a rigorous selection process. A budget of one hundred thousand cedis was made available to be disbursed to successful applicants.

The Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Prof. George K. T. Oduro, has called on African governments to put premium on university education by investing more in the sub-sector to improve on the quality of delivery.

“if African governments want universities to deliver quality education and quality research, then they must prioritize university education and invest more in the sub-sector”, he noted. 

He said African governments must enact policies that will enhance funding opportunities for universities.

Adehye Hall has climaxed its 55th Hall Week Celebration with a call on the future generation of women to be bold, focused, hardworking, and also serve as role model to others.

The week-long celebration was on the theme “Celebrating the Past, Honoring the Present and Shaping the Future of an Ideal Woman”.

Addressing the durbar, the Provost, College of Humanities and Legal Studies, Prof. Dora Edu-Buandoh, said the future generation of women should be ideal in many ways. She said they must be educated to meet the challenges at the place of work.

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Joseph Ghartey Ampiah, has inaugurated a Garden which will serve as recreational facility for Adehye Hall.

Prof. Ampiah commended Adehye Hall for putting up the beautiful edifice and called on other halls to also emulate. “Adehye has set the pace and the University will take inspiration from what you have done and create more gardens on campus,” he assured. He congratulated the management of Adehye for thinking about the welfare of students.

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Joseph Ghartey Ampiah, has commended the Campus Broadcasting Association of Ghana (C-BAG) for playing a key role in the dissemination of factual and relevant information to the public.

Prof. Ghartey noted the various radio stations on campuses in tertiary institutions in the nation have served as important platform for academia to educate, sensitize and also share research findings on critical issues affecting society.
