"A good entrepreneur identifies opportunities, takes advantage, solves a problem and benefits from the result", Mr. George A. Ben-Smith, Vice Chairman, Cape Coast Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCRCCI), said this at a seminar organized by the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Small Enterprise Development (CESED) for level 400 students of School of Business, University of Cape Coast. The objective of the seminar was to encourage the final students to develop entrepreneurial ideas, identify business opportunities and to intensify networking.

A lecturer at the Department of Optometry of the College of Health and Allied Sciences, Dr. Stephen Ocansey, has been awarded fellowship in the American Academy of Optometry (AAO).   Dr. Ocansey who received  the award at the Annual meeting of American Academy held from October 11-14, 2017 in Chicago, Illinois is the second Ghanaian to be awarded a Fellow of AAO.  

The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cape Coast, Prof. Joseph Ghartey Ampiah, has affirmed the University’s commitment to ensure a holistic growth of Colleges of Education in Ghana. Prof. Ampiah noted that UCC would not renege on its responsibility as mentors of the Colleges but provide the necessary assistance to help the colleges achieve their mandate of producing quality teachers for the basic schools in the country.

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Joseph Ghartey Ampiah, has inaugurated the Students' Support Centre of the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs at the North campus (New site).   The new office, which is on the second floor of the Amissah Arthur Language Centre, is an extension of the operations of the Main Dean of Student Affairs office  at the South campus (Old site) to serve  students at the North campus.   The office has Students' Accommodation and Counseling Desk, Financial Aid/Persons with Disability Desk, and Students' Leadership, Governance and Training Desk.  

The School of Physical Sciences of the College of Agricultural and Natural Sciences (CANS) has held a ceremony to honour 117 students for their academic excellence during the 2016/17 academic year.   The programme was aimed recognizing deserving students of the School to motivate them to aspire for higher academic excellence.   The students, from level 100 to 300, who attained Cummulative Grade Point Aggregate (CGPA) of 3.6 and above were   presented with certificates at the ceremony.  

A one-day capacity building workshop for early career researchers in Mathematics education has been been held for educational instructors with a call on them to make the subject interesting to students, especially females.    Prof. Markku S. Hannula, from the University of Helsinki, Finland, who made the call, said students of Finland, according to his independent research, saw the subject as very difficult and had developed hatred for it.  

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Joseph Ghartey Ampiah, has met with a delegation from the Delta State University, Nigeria, led by its Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Victor F. Peretomode.  The purpose of the meeting was to reactivate an earlier Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed in 2006.   Essentially, the MoU was on staff exchange, student-student exchange, joint supervision, assessment, theses defence, joint research, conferences, publication, Grant proposal writing, among others.  

A Congregation Thanksgiving Service has been held by the University of Cape Coast,UCC, to thank God for a successful graduation ceremony for its graduates who completed their studies in the 2016/17 academic year.   The service, held at the New Examinations Centre (NEC), was on the theme, “I will thank you, Lord, with all my heart, for you have heard the words of my mouth (PS. 138:1)”.  The graduates, most of whom were clad in an all-white attire, danced and sang to the glory of God for how far He had sustained and protected them throughout their four years stay in the University.  

The Chancellor, Sir. Dr. Sam Jonah, has stated that the goal of graduate studies is to expose students to methods and standards of research needed to work professionally at the frontiers of knowledge.

"Research-oriented training conveys the importance of keeping pace with a subject, the knowledge of which is always changing. It nurtures intellectual curiosity and a creative response to problems", he said.
