The Dean of Academic Affairs of the Ghana Armed Forces Command and Staff College, Prof. Vladimir Antwi-Danso, has noted that African countries could attain the vision of integration amongst themselves by utilizing opportunities such as political union, economic union, common market, customs union and free trade. He mentioned bad governance, lack of trait transformational leaders, high dependence of Africa Union on European countries for funding, instability, and many others, as some of the factors that have contributed to the economic woes of the African continent.  

The Dean of Academic Affairs of the Ghana Armed Forces Command and Staff College, Prof. Vladimir Antwi-Danso, has noted that African countries could attain the vision of integration amongst themselves by utilizing opportunities such as political union, economic union, common market, customs union and free trade.

He mentioned bad governance, lack of trait transformational leaders, high dependence of Africa Union on European countries for funding, instability, and many others, as some of the factors that have contributed to the economic woes of the African continent.

The Department of Communication Studies has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)  with the Department of Literature at Uppsala University, Sweden, to strengthen research work, promote developmental outreach and, cross cultural knowledge and understanding among staff, faculty and students of both institutions.  

The Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cape Coast, Prof. George K. T. Oduro, has noted that community schools has a role to play in nurturing  future leaders for sustainable development by  developing in younger ones the spirit of nationalism that will make them internalize the values embedded in the nation’s motto of “Freedom and Justice”.

The Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cape Coast, Prof. George K. T. Oduro, has noted that community schools has a role to play in nurturing  future leaders for sustainable development by  developing in younger ones the spirit of nationalism that will make them internalize the values embedded in the nation’s motto of “Freedom and Justice”.

Lecturers have been advised to be mindful of their delivery strategies during classes.

According to the Director of the Centre for Teaching Support, Prof. D.D. Adjei, the methods some lecturers adopt to teach make teaching and learning unattractive to students who sometimes lose interest in the subject.

He said: “Some of the methods use by lectures are largely teacher centered which brings about low cognitive learning”.

Lecturers have been advised to be mindful of their delivery strategies during classes.

According to the Director of the Centre for Teaching Support, Prof. D.D. Adjei, the methods some lecturers adopt to teach make teaching and learning unattractive to students who sometimes lose interest in the subject.

He said: “Some of the methods use by lectures are largely teacher centered which brings about low cognitive learning”.

The University of Cape Coast (UCC) has won the men’s category of this year’s Inter-University cross country competition held at the University of Mines and Technology ( UMAT) in Tarkwa. ATL FM’s news report said the University of Education, Winneba, (UEW), took the second position, University of Ghana (UG) came third and the University for Development Studies(UDS) placed fourth in the men’s category. University of Energy and Natural Resouces (UNENR), UMAT, University of Professional Studies (UPSA) and University of Health and Allied Sciences(UHAS) also earned deserved positions.  
