The exchange pupils and headteachers of the University Basic Schools with the Central Regional Minister, Mr. Kwamina Duncan

The Ahomka Foundation Donates to UCC Hospital

The Ahomka Foundation (TAF), has donated medical supplies worth 300, 000 to the University Hospital to support healthcare delivery.

The items included bandages, blood collection tube holders, treatment carts, catheter stabilization device, surgical disposables, breathing circuit, surgical light handle, abdominal pads and gauze dressing.

TAF is a non-governmental organisation whose focus is to promote the wellbeing of Ghanaians.

Presenting the items, the co-founder of TAF, Robert Ahomka-Lindsey said the donation was to help improve the health status of the Ghanaian society. He noted that as a native of Cape Coast, he owed it a duty to give back to help people in the metropolis.   He noted that the donation was done in partnership with MedShare and UPS Foundation USA.

According to Mr. Ahomka-Lindsey who is also the Deputy Minister for Trade and Industry, similar donations have been made to other medical facilities in the Cape Coast Metropolis adding that “So far, we have made philanthropic donation of new medical supplies worth over ¢1.2 million to all the 24 medical facilities in the metropolis”. He also indicated that the NGO also paid for the cost of open heart surgery for 20 children who had hole in heart. He noted that TAF would continue to support medical facilities to provide quality healthcare to the public especially the poor and marginalized in the society.

Receiving the items, the Director of University Health Services, Dr. Evans Ekanem, expressed gratitude to Mr. Ahomka-Lindsey and his wife Mrs. Jacqui Ahomka-Lindsay, for their generosity. He assured that the items would be used to cater for the needs of clients who patronize the facility.  “The hospital is an important place in the life of every individual; it is where you came from, seek healthcare and you may finally end up here when you die,” he indicated.

Dr. Ekanem called on individuals, organisations, the University Community and the general public to emulate the example of TAF.