A capacity training workshop has been held for members of the Executive Council of the Federation of Senior Staff Association of Ghana (FUSSAG) to equip them in the delivery of their duties.

Stakeholders in the Agricultural sector have begun discussions on the establishment of Sustainable Funding Mechanism (SFM) for agricultural research and extension in Ghana at a consultative meeting at the University of Cape Coast. Over the last few years, most agricultural research, production and extension programmes have been funded through the benevolence of donor agencies like World Bank. Currently, the World Bank is sponsoring one of such agricultural project known as West Africa Agricultural Productivity Programme (WAAPP).

A visiting Professor at the Department of Educational Foundations, Prof. Joshua Adebisi Omotosho, has called on teachers to use songs as part of their pedagogy. According to him, songs have unique qualities which make content stick in the brain more than other form of delivery and therefore asked for the conversion of critical areas of learning into songs for easy recollection.

The Chairman of the Committee for Institutional Affiliation (CIA), Prof. Edward Marfo Yiadom has expressed the willingness of the University to mentor Nduom School of Business and Technology (NSB&T) to provide quality tertiary education to the people of Ghana and beyond. Prof.

A Senior Programmes Officer of Nuffic, Mrs. Marieke Nieuwendijk, has commended UCC’s commitment towards promoting Water and Sanitation as an academic programme in the University. She lauded the University for implementing new teaching methods, developing new curricula and embarking on staff development to strengthen the University’s capacity to offer professional training in the area of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). Mrs. Nieuwendijk gave this commendation when she called on the Vice-Chancellor, Prof.

The Department of History has received 10 sets of computer and accessories from the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Joseph Ghartey Ampiah. Presenting the computers, the Vice-Chancellor said management considered the request by the Department and decided to donate the computers. He commended the Department for taking up the responsibility to produce a book on the history of the University of Cape Coast. The Head of the Department of History, Prof. Osei Kwame Kwarteng who received the computers expressed gratitude to the Vice-Chancellor for the donation.

Speakers at a roundtable discussion have unanimously stated that Africa will not benefit from the wind of ultra nationalism blowing across Europe and North America. The roundtable discussion was organised under the auspices of the Faculty of Arts, College of Humanities and Legal Studies. The theme for the discussions was “The Rise of Ultra Nationalism in Europe and North America- Opportunities for African Political Unity and Economic Integration”.

Groupe Ideal (GI), a Financial Institution, has presented 30 Desktop and 5 Laptop computers, and 5 printers to the Department of Economics of the Faculty of Social Sciences at a ceremony held at the K. B. Amissah-Arthur Language Centre. The donation was made in fulfillment of a promise made by the President of the Ideal Groupe, Dr. Nii Kotey Dzani, to the Department about a year ago. The Provost of the College of Humanities and Legal Studies, Prof. Dora Edu-Buandoh, said the College was always open for discussion with the relevant publics.
