The University of Cape Coast (UCC) has won the 3rd edition of the Tertiary Business Sense Challenge (TBSC). UCC emerged winners after a crunch final against the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) held on Saturday, 28th August, 2021. At the end of the contest UCC garnered 59.13 points as against 50.13 by KNUST.

UCC also won the maiden edition of the competition in 2019. 

Congratulations to the contestants, the School of Business, and UCC.


Participants of the sod-cutting ceremony

The University of Cape Coast in collaboration with the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC), has held a sod-cutting ceremony for the construction of a Law and Governance building complex for the University of Cape Coast. The building complex, worth five million US Dollars ($5,000,000), will be financed by the GNPC as part of its corporate social responsibility.


The Minister of Education, Hon. Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum. has sworn in new members of the Governing Council

of the University of Cape Coast. The nominees are:

Prof. Obeng Mireku - President’s Nominee - Chairman

Most Rev. Titus Awotwe Pratt - President’s Nominee, - Member

Dr Samuel Awuku - President’s Nominee, - Member

Maame Adjoa Gyeke -Jandoh - President’s Nominee, - Member

Prof. Eric Anane - Representative of Convocation (Professorial), - Member

Dr Ahmed Jinapor Abdulai - Education Commission. - Member


The College of Education Studies (CoES) has launched an Adoption of Schools Project

themed “Community collaboration for improving the performance of schools: Our

corporate social responsibility”.


Speaking on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor, the Provost of the College of Humanities and

Legal Studies (CHLS), Professor Francis Eric Amuquandoh, expressed worry over the

decline in the performance of schools in the Central Region. He said it has therefore

become necessary for the University step in to help resolve whatever issues that are

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Johnson Nyarko Boampong has been appointed as a Governing Board Member (West Africa Region) of the Association of African Universities (AAU). The 17-Member Governing Board of the AAU was inaugurated during the extra-ordinary General Conference which was hosted virtually.

As per its constitution, the AAU concluded a process of nominations and election for the new Governing Board after the expiration of the tenure of the old Board.

Prof. Isaac Luginaah


The Directorate of Research, Innovation and Consultancy (DRIC) of the University of Cape Coast, has held a Public Lecture under the theme, UCC@60 in the Horizon: Where is our Research headed?”


UCC hosts 2021 PANAFEST Colloquium

The PANAFEST Foundation in collaboration with the University of Cape Coast, and the African Heritage Studies Association (AHSA) has held a three-day PANAFEST Colloquium. The Colloquium was based on the themes, “Securing the African Family: Our Soul, Our Health, Our Wealth'', and “The Future of AHSA and The Youth in The African Liberation Movement”

The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS),under the auspices of The United Nations

Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) programme, via its

Research Grants Scheme (RGS), has donated laboratory research equipment and

chemical worth 8,000 USD to Laser and Fibre Optics Centre (LAFOC), Department

of Physics, School of Physical Sciences, College of Agriculture and Natural
