Vision statement: 
Our vision is to be a community of practice, where effective teaching leads to transformative learning.
Mission statement: 
The mission of the CTS is to distil research and best practices for teaching in the University, polytechnics and other higher educational institutions: the use of new media and technologies in education; the development of teaching and learning resources and the application of research to teaching and learning. The Centre augments the effort of UCC to deliver on its mandate regarding education in Ghana by improving on teaching and learning in the University and other educational institutions.
The Centre for Teaching Support is a section in the School of Educational Development and Outreach under College of Education Studies. It was created under the initiative of the then Vice Chancellor, Professor D. D. Kuupole, to help the University teaching staff to share knowledge among themselves and also develop best practices to improve teaching and learning in the University of Cape Coast, its affiliated institutions and other higher educational institutions. The Centre was established in November, 2013 to offer training programmes aimed at enhancing professional development of the teaching staff by providing them opportunities to a range of andragogical approaches and new trends to support teaching of courses including the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
Core Values: 
Quality: Being located in the College of Education Studies of the University, we draw from our large pool of expertise with diverse background and relevant experiences to provide training that is needed to widen access to quality teaching in higher education. Learner Conteredness: Our training encompasses theory and practice, where trainees have the opportunity to engage in a lot of hands-on activities. Excellent Service: To make our trainees competitive in today’s contemporary world, we make every effort to provide trainees with excellent service through the use of a wide range of technologies Innovative: We create awareness of the effectiveness of new media and empower trainees to be innovative. Collaboration: We initiate and sustain partnerships with similar institutions and universities to advance best practices in high quality teaching that will ensure effective learning.
Centre for Teaching Support
About College/Faculty/Department: 
The Centre for Teaching Support focuses on building the capacity of academics in the University of Cape Coast and by extension other tertiary institutions in the country and beyond by developing and strengthening their skills, instincts, abilities, processes and resources to effectively connect research with teaching.