Vision statement: 
To be a leading Arts Education Department that epitomizes Excellence in the training of teachers and conducting of research to address the socio-economic problems in Ghana and the World.
Mission statement: 
The Department strives towards advancing knowledge in Arts Education through effective teaching, learner-support, mentoring, research and community engagement.
The Department of Arts Education is one of the Departments in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Education, which is under the College of Education Studies.  It was established in 2016/2017 academic year, after the former Department of Arts and Social Sciences Education (DASSE) was upgraded to a Faculty status.
Core Values: 
Professionalism Excellence Integrity Team work
Department of Arts Education
About College/Faculty/Department: 
The Department has been mandated to produce trained and qualified teachers in Arts Education who have adequate content and pedagogical knowledge and can employ critical and reflective thinking in their analysis of educational issues in general, and curricular and pedagogical issues in particular, in their chosen subject areas. The department runs both undergraduate and graduate programmes that provide insights, perspectives, directives and projections that will prepare prospective teachers to provide guidance and leadership in the teaching/learning process in our schools and classrooms, and enable them to draw up curricula for various levels of educational institutions in the country. Courses run under the programmes lay the foundation for the preparation of qualified teachers dedicated to help students attain high academic standards.