Vision statement: 
To have a Department that is strongly positioned in the teaching of and research in Classics and Philosophy in Ghana and West Africa.
Mission statement: 
Training and equipping students and educators to become steeped in the Liberal Arts education and humanistic tradition through the twin vehicles of Classics and Philosophy.
Initially known as the Latin Section at the time the University of Cape Coast was established in 1962, the Department of Classics and Philosophy was founded in 1963 as part of the School of Languages and Literature which later became the Faculty of Arts. In 1999, a four year degree programme in Philosophy was added to the existing programme in Classics. The department then assumed its current designation as the department of Classics and Philosophy. The department continues to offer undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Classics and Philosophy leading to the offer of Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and Master of Arts (M.A.) and Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) degrees respectively. The academic staff of the department vigorously pursue their teaching and research activities. 
Core Values: 
Developing in the students an appreciation of impact of classical civilizations on the contemporary world and how we can adopt and adapt and create for ourselves. nculcating in students the tenets of analytical Philosophy and its application in African Philosophy and political systems. Promoting in our learners the habit of critical and reflective thinking and the practical application of concepts and theories. Equipping the student with the scientific method applied in the successful production of long essay, dissertations and theses.
Department of Classics and Philosophy