Vision statement:
To train well-equipped graduates who will excel in teaching and in the provision of professional guidance and counselling services to those in need of such services.
Mission statement:
To prepare Guidance and Counselling graduates whose content knowledge, skills, values and practical experiences will make them proficient in current trends of teaching, research and provision of guidance services.
The Department of Guidance and Counselling prepares professionals in Guidance and Counselling who can effectively educate, supervise, conduct research and counsel in higher institutions as faculty members and serve on Educational Boards in their professional capacity to contribute to guidance and counselling in the country. The Department also contributes towards improving the counselling skills of already practicing para-professional counselors.
Additionally, the Department offers professional training in counseling to religious leaders, prison officers, nurses, selected personnel of the Ghana Police Service and allied institution to enhance peace, stability, productivity and human security in the country.
Core Values:
Not Published
The objectives of the Department shall be as follows:
Produce high calibre experts in Guidance and Counselling to lecture in tertiary institutions and contribute to the continuous and sustainable growth and development of the country.
To educate students with appropriate expertise in the skills of counselling, developing and organising Guidance and Counselling programmes and centres for educational institutions,
Equip students with the skills of research and critical thinking in understanding human behaviour and in meeting emerging challenges in the Ghanaian society.
To train and develop in students the ability to extend Guidance and Counselling services to community and agency settings.
Department of Guidance and Counseling
About College/Faculty/Department:
The Department runs postgraduate programmes in Guidance and Counselling. These programmes, before the establishment of the Department were run by the Department of Educational Foundations, now the Department of Education and Psychology, and the Counselling Centre. The programmes are run on both regular and sandwich basis. The regular programmes are
Ph.D (Guidance and Counselling)
M.Phil (Guidance and Counselling).
The Department will soon run the following undergraduate and graduate programmes on both regular and sandwich basis in 2020/2021 academic year.
B. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)
M. Phil (Student Affairs and Service)
M. Phil (Rehabilitation)