Vision statement: 
To be a-world-acclaimed centre of excellence for post-graduate studies and research into labour and human resource issues.
Mission statement: 
To achieve scholarly excellence through research that impacts the world of work; education that transforms learners; and knowledge transfer that dare to offer credible alternatives to mainstream development theory and practice.
The Department of Labour and Human Resource Studies (DOLAHRS), is one of the four departments of the School for Development Studies set-up in August 2018. The core mandate of the Department is to direct research in the specialised field of labour and human resource issues within development studies and to transfer the knowledge generated for social transformation. DOLAHRS seeks to respond effectively to the needs of the workers through research and post graduate studies. The Department remains an important academic space for spearheading labour studies programmes in the West African Sub-Region. You are welcome to discover the study and research experience at DOLAHRS, where you will definitely receive help to reach your fullest potential. Rationale for the Department Labour, the workforce of every country, constitutes the engine of development as well as the main beneficiaries of development, hence, labour issues continue to be a significant constituent of development studies as a discipline. As globalisation continues to push national boundaries, workers and their organisations remain confounded by economic policies designed to make national economies competitive. The resultant deregulation and informalisation have added yet another dimension to the struggle of workers to secure their rights, especially those regarding employment security and social protection. These call for the need to understand, not just national policies and economic systems, but global political economy, its operations as well as its interconnectedness. The need for academic programmes in labour studies and for research into labour issues have therefore increased in recent years. The Department stands to respond to this need through its research and knowledge transfer.
Core Values: 
Academic integrity Diligence Equality Excellence Service 
Department of Labour and Human Resource Studies