Vision statement: 
To be recognised as the most outstanding department for the training of science educators.
Mission statement: 
To prepare Science Educators who will be highly proficient in their subject areas, pedagogy, curriculum issues and research using active learning approaches, methodologies and technologies
The Department of Science Education (DSE) originated from the erstwhile Department of Science and Mathematics Education (DSME) which was later split into three (3) as part of the collegiate system in August 2016. DSE runs Science Education programmes at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Programmes at the Postgraduate level are delivered through both regular and sandwich modes. The Department has three teaching science laboratories for Chemistry, Physics and Biology practical activities. In addition, DSE has wood workshop whose core mandate is to design teaching aids for teaching and learning in the Department and other second cycle institutions across the country. The Wood Workshop also undertakes production of office furniture, cabinets and other carpentry services for other faculties within the University.
Core Values: 
Not Published
Department of Science Education
About College/Faculty/Department: 
The Department of Science aims at producing graduates who will contribute significantly to national and international advancement of science education. Another mandate of the Department is to train personnel to conduct research into the teaching and learning of Science and also prescribing solutions to problems related to Science Education curriculum at all levels of the educational system. Some of our students serve as professionals and provide direct services as employees or consultants to the Ministry of Education, Ghana Education Service and other stakeholders. Our graduates also provide leadership for the continuous improvement of the Science curricular and supervision of the delivery of the curriculum at all levels of the educational system. What Makes the Department of Science Education Unique The Department of Science Education trains and develops students to become Science Educators with requisite knowledge and skills in their subject areas. We also produce Science Educators who are able to integrate contemporary technologies in teaching and learning of Science.