Vision statement:
To develop into a renowned center of excellence for teaching and research into environmental issues.
Mission statement:
Train middle and high level environmental scientists capable of tackling the nation's numerous environmental issues. This will be accomplished through instruction, supported by applied research and service to private and public organizations using state of the art technology. the Department is committed to being a local, national and international leader in the training of students for viable careers in the environmental industry.
The Department was established in 2002 as a result of restructuring of the now defunct Departments of Zoology and Botany. The courses of the Department undergo constant review to make them more relevant to national developmental and international needs. Ours is student friendly Department where educational, emotional and social problems of students are catered for through effective guidance and counselling, and referrals where professional engagement is deemed fit.The Department is to endow students with sufficient knowledge in environmental issues, basic ability to think logically and the skills to utilize acquired knowledge to solve environmental problems in the various communities for their personal gains and the good of the society at large.
The competencies of faculty members have been developed to solve environmental problems related to water, soil, atmospheric pollution, biodiversity and conservation. Apart from teaching, faculty members in the Department continues to engage themselves in active research and renders extension services to community.The Department regularly reviews its syllabus and introduces new programmes to meet the demand needs of the nation as well as international needs. It also encourages its faculty members and staff to develop themselves to play their roles effectively and for self advancement of their careers.
The Department also renders outreach programs through its facilities, i.e., Herbarium Unit and Botanical Garden to various categories of interest groups. These include Senior Members in the fields of applied biology and applied chemistry and students of first and second cycle institutions. Various religious and social groups also patronize the Botanical Garden.
Core Values:
Reliability – To be trusted and dependable.
Integrity – Demonstrate professionalism in every undertaking
Honesty – To be truthful and ethical in all endeavours.
Espirit de corps – Working collectively as a team to accomplish set objectives.
Creativity and Innovation – Applying skills and resourcefulness to project into the future and respond appropriately to the demands of the day.
Hardwork – Putting a lot of efforts into our core business of teaching, research and extension services.
Diligence – Putting carefulness and thoroughness into our work.
Discipline – Obeying rules and regulations regarding our work.
Department of Environmental Science