Vision statement: 
Vision:  To become a leading institution of learning, teaching and research in Fisheries and Coastal Management in Ghana; a Department of choice, having unique and innovative activities with the capacity to advance healthy marine, coastal and inland aquatic ecosystems for sustained provision of goods and services in collaboration with public and private institutions locally and internationally.
Mission statement: 
The Department aims to achieve an appropriate balance between conservation and utilization of Ghana’s marine, coastal and inland fisheries and aquatic resources through integrated scientific research, education of the next generation of fisheries scientists and coastal management practitioners, as well as undertake community outreach interventions.
The Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (DFAS) in the University of Cape Coast is a department in the School of Biological Sciences at the College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences (CANS).The University borders the Gulf of Guinea and is located in the Central Region of Ghana, which has the highest marine fish production in the country. The Department’s location thus exposes students to a vast array of opportunities for studies in coastal marine and brackish studies. The Department offers a four-year Under Graduate Programme leading to the wards of B. Sc. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. The Department offers Postgraduate Programmes (M. Phil & Ph. D.) in four areas of specialization Aquaculture, Fisheries Science, Oceanography and Limnology and Integrated Coastal Zone Management.
Core Values: 
Team work and visionary leadership We strive for excellence as a team through effective implementation and monitoring of teaching, learning and research activities in the department while at the same time and where possible, encourage professional development of academic and technical staff through the acquisition of new knowledge and skills. Commitment to research and scholarship To be exemplary and unique institution that provides demand-driven services to students and clients. The Department strives to remain up to date with current literature and research practices, as well as publish the department’s research outputs. Academic achievement Students’ academic achievement is central to the department. Students develop a sense of pride, excellence, and aspiration in order to take charge of their own learning throughout their stay in the department. We strive to create student-centered learning and create opportunities for them by providing them with relevant skills for the job market, further training, career development, goal setting, and time management. Strong partnerships with donors and industry To promote partnerships that provides mutual support or win-win situation for each partner in the collaboration, and contributing financially, expertise, common vision, and the desire for mutual interventions and cooperation. Professionalism In order to achieve very high standards in teaching, research and outreach, we strive for competence among academic and non-academic staff. Our staff are approachable and responsive to the needs of students and our stakeholders. We undertake capacity building initiatives, where needed for the greater benefit of the Ghanaian society. Fiscal discipline Respect for financial accountability and be accountable to the vision of the Department as stewards of marine, coastal and inland water resources.
Department of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences
About College/Faculty/Department: 
The Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (DFAS) falls under the School of Biological Sciences within the College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences (CANS).The University borders the Gulf of Guinea and is located in the Central Region of Ghana, which has the highest marine fish production in the country. The Department’s location thus exposes students to a vast array of opportunities for studies in coastal marine and brackish studies.  The Department offers a four-year undergraduate programme leading to the award of B. Sc. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. The Department also offers postgraduate programmes        (M. Phil & Ph. D.) in four areas of specialisation Aquaculture, Fisheries Science, Oceanography and Limnology and Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Strategic Plan:  With reference to the Corporate Strategic Thrust (2012-2017), the Department’s Strategic Agenda is defined by the following key thrusts: Vigorously promote teaching and research to help reposition the Department as a Department of Choice Revision of current curricula to meet contemporary challenges in the economy Attract, recruit, develop, retain and motivate high calibre academic, administrative and technical staff Establish linkages/ partnerships with both local and international institutions Strengthen the Centre for Coastal Management to effectively undertake outreach programmes