Vision statement:
To have a Department that serves as a pivot for the training of Forensic Scientists with world-wide acclaim.
Mission statement:
To provide unique training programmes which enable students from different backgrounds to meet the challenges of their countries by partnering with society to find solutions to problems.
The Department of Forensic Sciences was established in August 2015 with six students and five faculty. After two years, we have 86 students, 9 full-time faculty, 6 part-time faculty and one visiting professor.
We recognize that the number of forensic scientists in Ghana is woefully inadequate considering the current population and the pace of development. Also as crime becomes increasingly sophisticated, the demand grows for highly skilled forensic scientists capable of innovating, performing and analyzing scientific procedures to improve crime prevention and detection.
In line with this philosophy, we believe in the need to:
turn out more students for professional careers related to crime prevention and detection;
provide students with critical thinking and technical skills required for lifelong success in forensic and investigative sciences;
produce confident, competent and ethically-minded future forensic scientists;
advance the various fields through innovative research to solve pertinent problems that confront the country;
impart knowledge, skills and intellectual leadership in the public and private sector.
Goal and Objectives
Our goal is to produce graduates dedicated to pursuing careers in forensic and investigative sciences to augment the justice delivery system.
The objectives of the Department are to:
train students to become innovative and provide exemplary leadership;
train students to conduct research and contribute to knowledge in the field of forensic sciences;
produce competent graduates to pursue further studies in field of forensic sciences;
Core Values:
We encourage and instill:
hard work to achieve and maintain the highest standard in all endeavours;
honesty, ethical decision-making and compassion;
quality in the performance of duties and remain an enduring learner;
the spirit of teamwork within and across institutional boundaries;
leadership and recognition of equal opportunities for all.
Department of Forensic Sciences