Vision statement: 
To have a department that is well positioned for global recognition.
Mission statement: 
To realise this vision, the department offers market driven programmes and services that respond to critical needs of society in the areas of health, physical activity, recreation and sports. The department offers academic programmes, research activities and outreach services that produce well grounded (cognitive, affective and psychomotor) graduates at all levels of expertise with inclusion and equal opportunity.
With historic roots dating to the 1986, our academic programmes in the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation has established itself as a leader in providing quality professional education experiences in the areas of health, physical education and recreation. Our faculty is dedicated to providing students with an outstanding educational experience that is linked to the highest standards of professional service. When you come to the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, you will find a friendly atmosphere and scholarship of the highest quality. The Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation (HPER) is the pioneer department to offer a bachelor degree in physical education in Ghana.  Physical Education Bachelor Degree courses started in 1986. In 1994 a Master of Philosophy (MPhil) programmes in Health Education and Physical Education was introduced. At present, the Department of HPER offers post graduate (MPhil and Ph.D.) programmes in physical education and health education with emphases in Exercise Science, Curriculum and Teaching, Sports Management, Sports and Exercise Psychology, Environmental and Occupational Health promotion, Community Health Promotion, and Maternal and Child Health Promotion. In addition, the department offers Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Physical Education and Master of Arts (MA) in Health Education degree programmes on sandwich basis for the working professionals. The Department for the past five years has enrolled about 1,000 undergraduate and postgraduate majors in health and physical education.
Core Values: 
Not Published
Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation