Vision statement: 
Not Published
Mission statement: 
Not Published
The Department is one of the seven departments that evolved in the year 2001 from the defunct Botany and Zoology Departments which were transformed into the School of Biological Sciences. The Department offers a 4-year combined Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology and Biotechnolgy Programme in line with the vision of the University of Cape Coast. The Department also offers MPhil and PhD programmes. We seek to equip students at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels with knowledge and novel skills to explore the frontiers of molecular biology and biotechnology for national development. Thus, our students are well grounded in the basic sciences (physics, chemistry and biology) before being exposed to concepts in molecular biology and biotechnology. The Department also organises training workshops, and provides advisory and consultancy services to professionals, policy-makers and researchers. The undergraduate curriculum of the Department has been reviewed recently to cater for market demands, students interest and novel trends in molecular biology and biotechnolgy. Hitherto, our students used only the final year to specialise in molecular biology and biotechnology. Currently, specialisation starts from the first semester of Level 300 and the revised curriculum incorporates intruductory courses at Level 300 to enable easy understanding of more challenging concepts in later years. It is envisaged that next revision will provide room for students to start basic courses in molecular biology and biotechnology in Level 200. We are endowed with highly trained academic staff, with specialisation in various fields related to the Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. 
Core Values: 
Not Published
Department of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology