Vision statement: 
To become the highest standards of excellence in teaching and research.  The Department serves as a source for the promotion of problem-solving, analytical thinking and utilising technology. It produces high-quality Physics graduates well prepared for the job market or for postgraduate studies. The Department builds upon its strengths for the development of graduate programmes in areas of need for the country.
Mission statement: 
To play a pivotal role in the training of graduates of the School of Physical Sciences, irrespective of the area of specialisation; to serve as a centre of excellence in research in Physics, Engineering Physics and Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics.
The department offers physics degrees at the BSc, MPhil and PhD levels, and engineering physics degree at the BSc level supported by over 20 full-time lecturers. The Department of Physics is also home to the Laser and Fibre Optics Centre (LAFOC) an ICTP (International Centre for Theoretical Physics) funded major research center specializing in optical sciences and their broad applications. As one of the most rapidly growing physics departments in the country, UCC’s Department of Physics has experienced great changes in the last 15 years: Number of full-time lecturers has doubled PhD and MPhil programmes established in Physics and Atmospheric Physics Persistent increase in Engineering Physics students' population The graduate population has exceeded 20 full-time students Undergraduate and graduate (MPhil and Ph.D) students with a keen interest in, among others, optics, lasers, imaging, photonics, and space sciences are invited to apply to our programs with the possibility to receive financial support, one-on-one faculty mentoring, training in state-of-the-art technologies, and opportunities for professional development.
Core Values: 
The core values that distinguish Physics, Engineering Physics, and Meteorology and Atmospheric Science programmes at the University of Cape Coast are: Creative teaching methodologies that incorporate modern Physics from the first day of the first year.  We believe in training our students with the requisite modern Physics skills to enable them to compete with their counterparts elsewhere. As a result, we weave modern Physics into the first-year introductory physics sequence, making the introduction to physics exciting, relevant, and purposefully different from what you learnt at the senior high school. In Physics, we believe you learn best by doing and therefore we work to integrate lectures and labs so you can explore a new concept experimentally before hearing about it in lecture.  Graduate and Professional Education  The Department maintains the highest quality of instruction and research training for graduate students; expand and enhance applied and professional degree options and contribute to advances in Science Education. Undergraduate Research.  Research experience as undergraduate moulds you to become a scientist. It builds your resume, opens up opportunities for employment or graduate school, and sets you apart from other students who merely take courses
Department of Physics
About College/Faculty/Department: 
Background of the Department The Department of Physics is one of the departments in the School of Physical Sciences within the College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences (CANS). The Department offers training in Physics, Engineering Physics, and Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics at the undergraduate level in the following three major programmes: B.Sc. Physics B.Sc. Engineering Physics B.Sc. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics At the postgraduate level, the Department offers the following post  MPhil Physics PhD Physics The Department trains students who can apply their skills in solving problems in science, industry, commerce and business. The Department also provides adequate content training for Physics teachers for secondary and tertiary institutions.  The Department has nineteen (19) teaching staffs made up of two (2) Professors, two (2) Associate Professors, seven (7) Senior lecturers, eight (8) lecturers.  Why choose this Department?  Among other things, the Department of Physics offers: Interdisciplinary research and education. Thoroughness and integrity in research. Excellent track record of mentoring students to improve retention rates. The goals of the Department are as follows: To attract mathematically able students and to provide them with academically coherent undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, with courses  ranging from the fundamentals to the advanced, reflecting the scholarship and research interests of staff. To provide degree programmes in Physics, Engineering Physics and Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics which are intellectually challenging and rigorous, and whose graduates are well-placed to pursue postgraduate studies or to enter employment.   Objectives. The objectives of the department are as follows: To educate Physicists who can advance the frontier of knowledge by creating new concepts in Physics. To train Physicists who can apply their skills in solving problems in science, industry, and academia. To offer adequate content training for Physics teachers for secondary and tertiary institutions.  To produce graduates who can contribute to the country's developmental needs in research institutions and industry. Career Prospects for Students The wide range of courses that are offered at the undergraduate and post-graduate levels will equip Physics, Engineering Physics and Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics graduate with logical, analytic and computational skills to enable them to pursue careers in diverse fields.