The Experimental Basis of Quantum Theory: Discovery of the X-Ray and the Electron; Determination of Electron Charge; Line Spectra; Quantization; Black body Radiation; Photo electric Effect (Experimental results of PE; Classical Interpretation; Einstein’s Theory; Quantum Interpretation); X-Ray Production; Compton Effect; Pair production and Annihilation. Structure of the Atom: The Atomic Models of Thomson and Rutherford; Rutherford Scattering; The Classical Atomic Model; Bohr Model; Characteristic X-Ray Spectra and Atomic Number; Atomic Excitation by Electrons. Wave Properties of Matter, X-Ray Scattering; De Broglie Waves; Bohr’s Quantization condition; Electron Scattering ; Wave Motion; Waves or [articles; Relationship Between Probability and Wave Function; Uncertainty Principle. (3hrs) Semiconductor Theory and Devices: Band Theory of Solids; Semiconductor Theory; Semiconductor Devices Diodes, Bridge Rectifiers; Devices Diodes; LED, PV cells, Transistors; FET and MOSFETs, Schottky Barriers; Ics.
Course Code:
No. of Credits:
Level 300
Course Semester:
First Semester
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