This is an introductory mechanics course designed to consolidate the understanding of fundamental concepts in mechanics such as force, energy, momentum etc. more rigorously as needed for further studies in physics, engineering and technology. Topcs covered include kinematics and dynamics of point masses, Newton’s laws,  momentum, energy, angular momentum and torque, conservation laws, motion under gravity, central force problem, Virial theorem, Kepler’s laws, Rutherford problem,  coupled oscillations, dynamics of rigid bodies, moment of inertia tensor, Euler’s equations, orthogonal transformation and Euler’s angle, Cayley Klein parameters, symmetric top,  Lagrangian dynamics, generalized coordinates and forces, Lagrange’s equation, Hamilton’s principle, and variational methods.

Course Code: 
MAT 411
No. of Credits: 
Level 400
Course Semester: 
First Semester
MAT 202
Select Programme(s): 